Hgh and cutting question


Active member
I am starting a cut shortly, currently on TRT planning test/mast to cut. Was planning to include the Hgh now.
Something like
200 test e
100 mast e (maybe more depends on E2)
2-4 iu hgh
potentially Clen but it makes me nervous

Should I start the hgh now at 2iu and taper up to 4iu then increase when I start a bulk cycle?

Or is it smarter to just save my hgh and run more of it when I get close to a bulk cycle?


Well-known member
you can use HGH for cutting and 2 IU a day will be enough.
can save it for bulking, or can start now and then taper up when need to bulk.
100 mg of Masteron will barely do much. or do you plan to use master on as TRT in that dosage?


Active member
Trt until I bulk, to aid controlling my e2 and maybe add to the protection of my muscles.

That is exactly what I'm going to do start the hgh now then taper up just b4 my AAS use does aswell