Hgh for body composition?


New member

Thanks SemperFi, Calm,Mister A, Ignatius,Outlaw, Strong, and anyone else I might have missed for caring and the advice! I havent seen a medical doctor since 2 months ago for a routine checkup but I havent had any major issues or emergency hospital room trips for several years now. Im not sure how my doctor would even react if I told him Im going to take HGH. I had a late snack 3 hours ago so I need to do the 12 hour fast for my blood results to be accurate. Will try to go during my lunch break tomorrow. 




My doc that im running AAS. Doctor patient confidentiality makes unable to report. He said  well, now I'm not too worried about the elevated liver enzymes. ..




Best thing to do calm. 2 cycles ago I just didn't feel right. Doc said my BP was up. I said, I'm sure it is. I'm using AAS. It was summer and his reply was " ah yes, this time of year a lot of people use steroids" he shared no opinions. 




It took a big weight off my chest and his too, because his first thought mentioned was cancer. After I told him, he said he figured I was but he wasn't going to press the issue of me telling him. He said take it easy on orals for a few weeks then we will retest. His nurse practitioner said keep with the injectable if you're going to do, and minimize supplements if possible. ..I was like..cool




To me Calm, That gets a +1 for teaching us to be honest with your Dr. I figured the same thing too.  He has a Dr. /patient confidentiality.



New member

Good to hear Calm about the news from your doc! I know about the doctor/patient clause but I go to a local clinic where I grew up so its hard when I actually know a few people working there. Not hi and bye, i mean personally. I'll have my results in a week but Calm i thought i read on here donating blood lowers bp? Any truth to that from anyone whos done this? 


Mister A


Theres a whole thread somewhere on the benefits of donating blood. If I didnt have to eat every 15 minutes Id find it for you and copy and paste it. I donate every 8 weeks or so. Some compounds increase your red blood cell count which thickens the blood which raises bp. Look up the thread. Actually the site is full of really good info like that.




Jedimax said:
</p><p>Good to hear Calm about the news from your doc! I know about the doctor/patient clause but I go to a local clinic where I grew up so its hard when I actually know a few people working there. Not hi and bye, i mean personally. I'll have my results in a week but Calm i thought i read on here donating blood lowers bp? Any truth to that from anyone whos done this? </p><p>
Yes<span style="font-family: 'Trebuchet MS', Arial, sans-serif; font-size: 13.3333px; background-color: #f8f8f8;">, any decrease of blood volume within will decrease the pressure. </span></p>