HGH/T3/T4 Info..


Well-known member

Hope this helps..

What is your personal take on HGH dosing schedules, dosage amounts, T4 supps. Any and all experiences are welcomed and appreciated

History of HGH---Was found through amino acid chains--- Growth hormone (GH) is a peptide hormone . Growth hormone is a 191-amino acid, single-chain polypeptide that is synthesized, stored, and secreted by somatotropic cells within the lateral wings of the anterior pituitary gland. Somatotropin (STH) refers to the growth hormone 1 produced naturally in animals, whereas the term somatropin refers to growth hormone produced by recombinant DNA technology,[1]

What is HGH---- HGH has a strong anabolic effect as it not only causes muscular hypertrophy (enlargement of muscle cells ) but also muscular hyperplasia ( increase of the number of muscle cells) while anabolic steroids only cause muscular hypertrophy. HGH also influences burning of fat, strengthens the connective tissue ( tendons and cartilage ) and greatly increases strength. Gains made on HGH cycle remain after the drug has been discontinued.

HGH has to be used in combination with thyroid hormones (T4), insulin, anabolic steroids; anadrol, sustanon, omnadren , testosteron propionat . etc..(aka TREN YUM YUM) to be effective. Because growth hormone has a short half life injections should be divided throughout the day.

T4 is important because. not only do we need additional T3, but we actually want the conversion process of T4 into T3 to take place, because it the presence of those mediator enzymes that will allow the T3 to be synergistic with the gh.

there reason for T4 instead of T3 is that if gives you more of a cushion in dosing and your body becomes sensitized to its effects much slower. Also, it's more practical to be on a couple hundred mcg's of T4 for extended periods of time than to have to keep titrating up and down with T3.-- T3 levels still needed to be elevated, but you want the natural T3 so it is better to take T4 supplements so T3 can be elevated.

" Your thyroid gland secretes two hormones that are going to be of primary importance in understanding Thyroid/gh - growth hormone (somatropin) - interaction. The first is thyroxine (T4) and the second is triiodothyronine (T3). T3 is frequently considered the physiologically active hormone, and consequently the one on which most athletes and bodybuilders focus their energies on. T4, on the other hand, is converted in peripheral tissue into T3 by the enzymes in the deiodinase group, of which there are three types- the three iodothyronine deiodinase either catalyze the initiation (D1, D2) or termination (D3) of thyroid hormone effects. The majority of the body's T3 (about 80%) comes from this conversion via the first two types of deiodinase, while conversion to an inactive state is accomplished by the third type. " -- Thyroid Hormone & Growth Hormone
by Anthony Roberts & James Daemon, PhD

actually want the CONVERSION process of T4 into T3 to take place, because it's the presence of those mediator enzymes from T4 that will allow the T3 to be synergistic with hgh, instead of being inhibitory as it is with only adding T3 to gh.

Side effects. Adverse reactions to HGH use are rare but technically could involve acromegaly (elongation of the feet, forehead and hands). Other possible side effects involve overgrowth of the elbows or jaw, thickening of the skin and a type of diabetes., and CTS9 google it if you don't know what it is.)

if you are running gh your thyroid is already being suppressed so for starters, that is why the addition T4 is helpful. I use t4 the best dosage seems between 100-200mcg. in general i think it is safe to stay on it as long as your gh run goes, but i would taper it at the end.
HGH--is different for everyone I will not run less than 3 months, but 6 moths should be your goal IMO is the min. Again everyone is different, I use 2iu 3x per day between meals. There's no 'wrong' way to take it IMO. I personally believe 10iu is overkill, 5-6iu assuming GH is good quality is ample.

o one last hing for you about GH: it takes a few days out of the fridge to have the potency break down. if you mix it with bacteriostatic water it will be good for over a week in the fridge about 14 days.



New member

Personally I think T3 and T4 are dangerous things for the average user to get involved with. Do not fuck around with these drugs unles you have very good reason, like being a pro. People have fucked themselves up with this.




Have you ever used t3 or t4   and what kind of results we talking about 2% bf  or dramatic help in fat loss 




Although I agree that t3 t4 are dangerous and can fuck up your thyroid.. Pretty much most of the Substances that we discuss on these boards are "dangerous" Steroids fuck up your Endocrine system ... Its all about knowledge of the substances you put into your body and of course "excess is NEVER a good idea,,,, Not even if its ice cream.... well, maybe not ice cream,,, I could never over do it on that stuff! :)




New member

That right there is the million dollar question.  " Have you ever used t3 or t4 "  .    Actual first hand or just read about.



New member

Well theres an enormous difference.  Fuck up your endocrine system and what happens to you ?  Fuck up your thyroid in to overdrive and you'll be visiting the ER or worse.

  And yes by the way, I do know a guy who did fuck himself up, ended up overheating his body and had to go to the ER.  Havent heard of anyone doing that on test, or hgh alone.



Well-known member

Yes I have but under Doctor and having blood work done. IMO when running T3 or T4 consult your doctor first be honest to monitor what dosage you can take. I do enjoy HGH, but IMO it is something you shouldn't run without a your Doctor knowing and running Bloods.  Same with Test or anything be open to your doctor, or fine a doctor that will be open with you. This life style is all about being safe.. Thats why Bloods are so important finding your base line, getting bloods again seeing what is happening so you can adjust to be safe.

This is write up was to give knowledge so people can ask question,  its about sharing knowledge. However, it is still up to the users to investigate more.  



New member

I've use T 3 and T4both before. I ised them both befor comps. Throw some Clen in with that and it felt like heart attack city. I have no idea why guys continue to use t3 or 4. There's another compound that I wish no to say that guy use also. Getting the shakes is no fun !! I choose to do it the old school way. getting bloods is a must before during and after cycles Bloods will tell know lies ! Bloods are your best friends when it comes to AAS. Sorry im not getting  into more detail  but I'm in a rush And just had to say a few things really quick. 




No I have not for the simple reason  my thyroud works and sometimes runs a little high which is why I asked about results  because I can't see a big difference in me in the high end of normal  I will not use Clen either sides are horrible shakes and cramps not work it  the reason I got back into aas was because 5 years after I stoped using first time   Is my endocrine system took a crap on its own so I don't have to worry about screwing it up wether past aas use done it idk but I had a good five years after use that I was fine  the answer to the million dollar question. :) lol the reason I asked you is because you have a lot of exp  and I trust your knowledge my friend 



New member

well my advice is to stay away from this stuff unless you are competing. So following my own advice and seeing as I don't compete Ive never used it.

 A BB customer I have asked me to get him some, then 3 weeks later told me not to because his gym partner was using it and it put him in the ER. They had to submerge him in an ice bath plus a lot of other stuff I cant remember. But I do remember how easily it all went very wrong



New member

nope your answer was just fine, it was exactly what I was trying to say above, so again Thank you, you probably saved a few guys from big trouble
