Hi, new comer - great website


New member

This website is pretty good for someone like myself.
I have been reading through the first cycle posted by Turning 40 regarding first cycle.
Great read, and informative.

As so many people have suggested and I have copied and pasted this following cycle from Titanings

week 1-10 Test Enathate at 250mg twice a week for a total of 500mg per week

week 2-12 Arimidex .5mg e3d (every 3 days) adjust up to 1mg per day if gyno symptoms occur


week 13-14 Nolvadex 40mg/day, Clomid 100mg/day


week 15-16 Nolvadex 20mg/day, Clomid 50mg/day

I have been looking through the links for the websites to get them from, and just trying to get prices together, and how many bottles and tables would need etc (if anyone had any exact numbers and ball park prices to match) as on the websites mentioned on this site, their is a lot to choose from. I don't want to do tablets as not keen on it going through liver..

About me - been lifting on an off since was about 25 on and off im 33 now. at my biggest was 14st 5  and could bench around 120kg, thats the biggest I got to,
currently 12st 6 and benching up to body weight, concentrating on form and slow negative and keeping the tension relative to the muscle i am training, just use to hurt myself going to heavy wrists etc.. foolish and egotistical! (we've all been there i guess)

Diet is pretty good, clean and often, obviously will introduce more when the first every cycle come, been thinking about it for a long time and now ready for the dark side.

So just after any UK suppliers, and cost, need everything, and advice.
Thanks for listening,
We Love you San Diego!



New member

Here is also a great checklist and guide for your first cycle.


As far as pricing or anything of that sort....sorry brotha I can advise you an a safe and responsible first cycle but everything else falls in your hands. Do some research like you have been and you will find all your answers :)

As a final note always realize the dangers to your body and health and consequences of heading down the "dark" path. If you are not willing to accept them 100% before you even start, then please walk away now. Diet and training will always accomplish every reasonable goal.
