

New member
Hey I am a 49 year old female from western Australia. I used to play sport at a national level and stopped for a various reasons.
I went to weights nearly 3 years ago
Got myself a great coach 2 yrs ago and have had some great results since then.
Last winter did a build and ran.10mg of anavar daily for 8 weeks
Break and ran again. Really helped with strength gains and harder muscle.
Cut over summer to see where I was at and where to next for me.
Tried winstrol with anavar for my cut
Hated winstrol.
Felt like it didnt offer anything significant except greasy hair and skin
So stopped and stuck with anavar.

About to build again
goal more muscle.
currently 60kg
164 cm tall
about to try primobolan 30 to 50mg a week? with anavar 10 mg
Training with a new coach so have my nutrition tight and 5 days training.

Obviously looking for sources but understand i cant talk about any etc
Can I ask if anyone has had success with Australian sources or getting anything to here as I just got rorted by ozgear.

Love reading all the threads, amazing advice and info...
Thank u in advance


Well-known member
Primo + Anavar can work great as long as you tolerate side effects. Or, if you said you loved 10 mg a day of Anavar alone and never got over this dosage, you may also try 8 weeks of 20 mg a day of Anavar as long as you do not have masculinization symptoms