High fructose corn syrup


New member

Yeah it even sounds nasty. Seems like this shit is in just about anything that is sweet. I'm surprised the FDA allows manufacturers to even use his stuff because the health benefits are horrible. Look at today's children how over weight they are. There's definitely a payoff and that is why they keep using it. 

Was making my kid pancakes and glanced at the bottle of aunt jememia and almost dropped to the floor after reading the lable. Look at most of your juices too. The corn farmers are getting rich by handing over kick backs to the government them corn growing bitches. Ok I don't know  that for sure but I would be willing to bet its true. 

Soda !! The worst invention ever. Do you know is how much soda manufacturers rely on this deadly syrup ? Soda would be banned but again, tons of money to be made at the public's expense, health wise that is. 





I look at the back of what I eat before I buy and that stuff is everywhere and if it is not then some other form that I can't pronounce is 
