Higher Deca than test cycles anyone? Beuhler, Beuhler?



I also like good and healthy debate like this. I'm always looking to learn something new, and have many times with these type debates. 




agreed on that. I use aro & adex, both. Aro DEF gets the job done at dose of 13mg twice a week. That seems to do the job well, but because its a suicide inhibitor, i try to resort to it when adex lets me down and doesnt deliver. God advice with the over saturated receptors Dolf, its def true.




I feel you brother. In my younger days when i ran the 19nors with stacks of prohormones with no AI or anti prolactins, i hit alot of walls and learned the hard way ESPECIALLY with deca which did play a number on me and shut my libido down completely for a few weeks. MISERABLE feeling ! I still remember it clearly even though its been more than 14 years now, horror ! :)

Thanks for sharing your thoughts sieg, i appreciate you.




I'm actually consider doing a pct and remaining clean for a few brutal months just to clear receptors. It'll be a rough 4 months though! 



New member

I did my 1st pin ystrdy with the cyp and npp. After reading the replys here, I'm gonna switch to the sust 250 I have and cut/split that down. I had planned on using that anyways after the cyp was gone. Why?? I figured the less water retention toward the end of cycle would be beneficial with sust. But what the heck. I might aswell switch over to sust now ( Idont have prop but might aswell take advantage of the prop in sust) and keep water, estro and etc low from the get-go. Based on more advice too, I'll have some caber coming in aswell and the aromasin is on hand. Sooooooo again sust/will be 250

Npp will be 300 although I may try and push 400 with an extra shoulder or calf pin if I can ball up... Lolol... And I'm figuring beginning July, I'll restart the hgh...

Also I've been trying to think back as to when I last cycled. I had a physical in Jan with normal blood work so I know I was off then. So now I'm thinkn I've been off since late Dec?? I've did a few weeks of a var/winnie combo, some hcg and peptides before a May vaca with the hgh. Had to stop hgh because of sides. So I'm thinkn I'll respond very well to these low dosages... It looks like its been over 5 months...

I'll probably stay on through Sept giving me abt 14 weeks on... Not bad for a summer hot bod loom... Lol....

I'll keep you guys in the loop as how I feel and look.... I'll be pinning again tmrrw. Again this time with sust.




In these 4 months, how bout Nolva, Clomid (Sarms) and AI and Proviron, to boost total T, and free T all the while supressing shbg and regulating hpta. That would still clear out the receptors while keeping you optimzed, right? Or would the stack i just mentioned keep your receptors saturated and defeat the purpose? What do you think?




Me to i was shut down for like a month ...i was on another forum where newbes and unexperienced users just get trashed ..so i was xxxxx. 

Thefriggen source actually suggested the cycle deca,anadrol,test ...no mention of a DA. 

And myself being green ,i didnt know i pounded the steel for 25 years but that was in the ,pen ,so allprohormones and aas were alien to me ,and i didnt know anything about sites ...

The worst feeling of my life ,no sex drive libido 100% gone ,and if i did have or let me rephrase ,if i could get myself aroused ,my shit wouldnt work ...the wife at that time thought i was cheating and didnt love her ,so l8fe was hell ...then i had zero energy.,i was irritable i just hated life 

I done 20+years ins8de and held my head high ed.prison was nothing ,but PROLACTIN ,took me to my knees ..i didnt want to live i had a 380 in my mouth ..and im.not a quitter or a runner ..anyone for one minute ,thinks playing with aas is not a serious ,they need rethink ,they are our drive they govern how we feel how we act ..

I learned the hard hard way ,see i let me e2 get out of whack and ,presto there goes the prolactin

I had ignorant fucks else where grinding me up,till i found mg ,and its all in my posts ,thats when i made a vow to give back what ,mg gave me ,and never ever let a brother on his own .

The subject is drol a 19 , i personal believe it is that could be argued ,but when coupled with deca ,  very danderous ..

Long story short took me amonth to get caber and worst month of life ...lol you know something i do not run long esters and wont ,just thought of that this is problely why ,   it takes weeks to adjust if something goes astray ...where with my shorts days ...i even cruise on prop or sust.  

Well i said to much im late forwork xxxxxk



New member

I betcha some hcg and alil dball or tball 5 or 10mgs in the early a.m. wud be a nice easy bridge. They wud hit different receptors I believe poss allowing you to keep most gains... Poss... Could be wrong though. 




You're a stand up guy Sieg. I can def relate to the 100% libido loss, i remember the hottest girl would pass by and i wouldn't even notice her. I was in shutdown valley with no way out. I wasnt married, and wasnt dating a steady girl, just a bunch of FWB, so made my situation easier than yours with the wife and the emotions involved, nevertheless, i was very worried about my sexual health, and seriously had doubts about it ever coming back once i hit week 3 in shutdown. You know i didnt use Dostinex or AI cause i didnt even know what these where, so it started clearing 4 weeks in on its own, where i had something that resembled libido, very mild wood, and unsustained. But i always believe in progress, so i just kept on going. It took about 5 months or so to completely be back to normal with morning wood, and libido 100%. I would say God was on my side there and recovery was self-driven on its own with the hand of god. 

I guess like the saying goes, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail! And thats what i did, plan to fail !

Just like you, through all these pains, i try to help others NOT to go through the same pains. Hence i always say "always have AI, sarms, ancillaries, PCT substances on hand BEFORE starting a damn cycle".

Good talk brother, you're a gentleman and a scholar! ;)

