Holidays in cancun, cage diving?


New member

Hey folks. Maybe someone here could help me a little. Me and my family are going for holidays to cancun/mexico over christmas and new years eve. We'd like to do a open water cage dive with sharks. But I've found just infos and addresses in guadalupe, which is too far from cancun. Did anyone of you a cage dive in or around cancun? If yes, do you have an address or a contact for me? Here in this thread or fr me and write it per pm, please. Thx in advance, the freak.


I know this is WAY late but for future reference I have never seen a cage dive offered in Cancun. Have done them in Hawaii however. If ya found one in Cun let me know! My son and I would definitely be up for another shark dive. TIA



New member

Unfortunately we where out of the season which starts at february i remember they told me. You can ask them, i put a link in here.
