

Yes hormones ,

Hormones at my house are running astray!!! I got the wife's daughter ,who is pregnant AND her sons girl who is pregnant ,and now forget about it I'm nuts ,,last night there coming at my throat ,about locking my door ,,and today they love sieg %#!!! To much e2 ,and prolactin kicking off here ,,see brothers ,the same holds true for cycling ,,don't apply your AI properly or don't use at all ,you will be acting like these women ,on a emotional rollercoaster !!!! And friggen sieg is the engineer ,unfortunately , pop quiz for my self ,I know there is prolaction running wild because they must start producing milk ,so I know prolactin levels are through the roof here ,I also would guess estrodal ,e2 is also high as a mother , and also progestion ,,, the first hormone or peptide to show up is hcg, keeps estrogen and progestin ,in check ,until the planceta ,can take over the function,hcg will make women go to the bathroom a lot ,just like us running our hcg , and something else I just learned ,hcg ,is responsible for morning sickness  and hcg makes the bladder want to get rid of the littelist amount of urine ,, ( do we piss a lot on)then estrogen and progestion ,and women get sore and sensitive breasts ,,there since of smell gets effected ,fatigue ,and complete exustion ,yahtzeee sound formular ,elevated e2 ??? We need our AI ,,no??? Then heart burn and acid reflux is caused by progestion ,and the bowels relax ,and we get that what gentlemen ?????? Yes bloat ,then we got the all time killer with 19 more ,prolactin , and women produce there milk ,this way ,and when were running a 19 nor our prolactin gets whacked ,and the tits start to grow and the breastfeeding begins ::(((( and this is the time for letro !!!! But you do not want it to get ,to that point ,, now bros ,see how a women gets when pregnant ,well don't use a ai oprolactin with a 19 nor ,and you will have all but the baby ,and to tell the truth ,you may even get that ,,hey my rant on these women turned into a good education ,,




Ya sorry about that ,,its funny tho , I wake IP and the son in law is in the living room sleeping lmao ,them dam hormomes




Ya ,its true ,and that's my heart ,I invited the son in law and his girl here ,she only 18 and him 21 ,but no one really wanted her and the baby ,and i seen the depression and lack of love there from her FAM,so the sieg ,took under the wing ,and the same with My daughter law in pourto Rico ,the gut doesn't want the baby and she already has one ,sieto my little guy also ,so sieg brought her here from sanjuan ,so I have them a three year old ,and 2 new grandbanies coming :)) ,then we got my daughters 2 ,and her other daughters 2 , here all the time ,,, its nice ,I love it ,everyone wants pop,something I never had much spending half my life in a cage,,its beautiful ,for real ,all the little ones want pop, pa ,whatever they call me .. I may complain but a good complain :))
