How does one gain karma


New member

What's the karma rules and info, I've looked and can't seem to find it.  Can someone please (preferably an admin) chime in or post the link to this section if there is one I'm not seeing. 





New member

Hey Thanks I couldn't get that link to open on my phone. I looked in forum rules and didn't see anything tho. Appreciate the help, swear I'm not incompetent as you just made me look Haha!  




Be Active in our Forums and earn Karma Points from the Admin and other members!

  1. Karma:
    1. You will earn +1 karma for adding product and lab pictures in your review.
    2. You will earn +1 karma for adding pictures with you.
    3. You will earn +1 karma for adding a cycle.
  2. Thumbs Up/Down:

  1. MOD – “Moderator Badge”.
  2. These roles give 0 karma, but influence thumbs up/down:
  3. TROLL, REGULAR, BRONZE, SR (NEW can’t vote)
  4. SILVER gives +1 karma.
  5. GOLD gives +2 karma.
  6. GURU and MOD gives +3 karma.



good question.. so if i put up pics next to my review of a source everyday this will increase my Karma too or is thisfrowned upon??
