How have Steroids improved your life?


Well-known member
People are always quick to tell you Steroids are bad for you, they will ruin your life, ruin your body. They make you into a phony and a cheater.

I know you'll all agree that's not true, I want to hear about how Steroids have improved your life.

I think we will all say the same to feeling better, looking better, stronger etcetera. So what I want to hear about is how being on gear has positively impacted your life. More friends, top quality vadge, increased earning, better job prospects, new career, confidence issues. Maybe helped with depression or anxiety or body dysmorphia.

So how have Steroids improved your life?

bobby ricky

Well-known member
Great post,
I was out of energy fat always feeling like shit and thought this is how a 48 year old man is supposed to feel.
Doctor gave me my first shot and it changed my life forever. I’m bigger more confident and went from pray to predator😂. Test is best and the pain relief I found from deca just put a cherry on top. Looking forward to the rest of my life. Have become a risk taker to the point that my wife wonders who the fuck I am. Looking bigger and better than 99 % of all my gym members. Now the female attention is out of control I want to say my eyes are up here so stop fantasizing 😂😂. Always comments and touching.
It fixed and cured so many things but no money in it for big farma. So much more it has done for me👍👍👍


Well-known member
it has changed me in so many ways but the down part as the severe panic attacks & severe anxiety but i guess its worth it as the panic and anxiety everyday 3 or 4 times a day its burning me out. ok, now the good parts . sex drive is through the roof, sense well being, confident around social settings, to name a few.


Well-known member
I have something idnlike to share, it's not amusing or anything I just think it's quite interesting.

It'll take a while to type out though and I'm just smoking my intra-workout spliff, I've got a date with some arnold presses.

Until then, enjoy Bilbo sitting like a good boy.


Hes not finished growing BTW. Already size of small horse.


Well-known member
I'm not so grumpy all the time....honestly it's like reverse roid rage. Between working construction in the hot Florida sun, training my ass off 5 times a week and going to school...all at 46 years old. On gear my body heals quicker and I'm not so exhausted and sore all the time. My mood is more even and my girl notices that too, I smile more. Life's just a little easier.


Well-known member
Just like zacko said, reverse roid rage. I am way more protective and considerate of those around me, I feel benevolent, like I could smite them but never would. 100% has affected my ego.

Gear has massively altered the trajectory of my career, I started at my firm as a laborer and was skin and bones at the time. I knew more than most about trigonometry and squaring work pieces but got FA respect, got minimum wage and didn't have a great time at work. It's a very manly place to work, all proper manly men kind of culture.

My social standing started to improve as I started looking after myself better and lifting more regularly. Then I started taking it seriously and people noticed. Everyone had more time for me, ppl would ask for my help fault finding things, like that. I hadnt got any smarter, just a bit bigger and suddenly it made me more qualified to do maths. That landed me a working Foreman job, which I handed back after a couple of months of no top down support from management.

I moved to a production role in the company and hit the juice. You'll maybe have seen my year in pics thread. After that year I'm giving off a totally different "vibe" and now I can talk to people easily and maintain eye contact. Jordan Petersons theories have some truths to them. I lobstered my way to the top of the heap, so when the shit hit the fan and middle to upper management quit I stepped in and organised what was left of the company.

Now I'm still juicing, as the operations manager for the company so I report to the board and enact their will. Something I wouldn't ever have imagined myself capable of. Millionaires are intimidating. And I didn't used to be charming at all, my charisma stat was 1. Now I just pull this character out of a bag and act like this business guy. Basically eating corporate dick for a living.

I find have a bit of a chuckle cause I feel like it is almost certainly down to the fact I'm constantly juicey as fuck, and that is an unfair advantage to have over my colleagues. But, 🤷‍♂️.

That's my story about how getting buff and using steroids helped me get where I wanted to be in life. I could write more on this subject. But the tren aspect I'll address separately.

Thanks for reading this far.


Well-known member
Just like zacko said, reverse roid rage. I am way more protective and considerate of those around me, I feel benevolent, like I could smite them but never would. 100% has affected my ego.

Gear has massively altered the trajectory of my career, I started at my firm as a laborer and was skin and bones at the time. I knew more than most about trigonometry and squaring work pieces but got FA respect, got minimum wage and didn't have a great time at work. It's a very manly place to work, all proper manly men kind of culture.

My social standing started to improve as I started looking after myself better and lifting more regularly. Then I started taking it seriously and people noticed. Everyone had more time for me, ppl would ask for my help fault finding things, like that. I hadnt got any smarter, just a bit bigger and suddenly it made me more qualified to do maths. That landed me a working Foreman job, which I handed back after a couple of months of no top down support from management.

I moved to a production role in the company and hit the juice. You'll maybe have seen my year in pics thread. After that year I'm giving off a totally different "vibe" and now I can talk to people easily and maintain eye contact. Jordan Petersons theories have some truths to them. I lobstered my way to the top of the heap, so when the shit hit the fan and middle to upper management quit I stepped in and organised what was left of the company.

Now I'm still juicing, as the operations manager for the company so I report to the board and enact their will. Something I wouldn't ever have imagined myself capable of. Millionaires are intimidating. And I didn't used to be charming at all, my charisma stat was 1. Now I just pull this character out of a bag and act like this business guy. Basically eating corporate dick for a living.

I find have a bit of a chuckle cause I feel like it is almost certainly down to the fact I'm constantly juicey as fuck, and that is an unfair advantage to have over my colleagues. But, 🤷‍♂️.

That's my story about how getting buff and using steroids helped me get where I wanted to be in life. I could write more on this subject. But the tren aspect I'll address separately.

Thanks for reading this far.
Absolutely dude. Most older guys in America with foreman jobs are fat and lazy....burnouts. When your in great shape people instantly give you respect...not so much cause muscles are intimidating but they know it takes discipline and years of work. It speaks volumes without saying a single word.


Well-known member
tell a man who has 100 ng/dl testosterone in his 30s how bad steroids are.
steroids do have negative effects, but that's as long as you abuse them. abuse ibuprofen and tell me how it goes...
but if used properly and responsibly, steroids, pretty much like anything else, can improve your life. and since steroids are basically hormones and hormones are playing such an important role in our life, they can improve the quality of life a lot. but then again, it's all individual.


Well-known member
tell a man who has 100 ng/dl testosterone in his 30s how bad steroids are.
steroids do have negative effects, but that's as long as you abuse them. abuse ibuprofen and tell me how it goes...
but if used properly and responsibly, steroids, pretty much like anything else, can improve your life. and since steroids are basically hormones and hormones are playing such an important role in our life, they can improve the quality of life a lot. but then again, it's all individual.
I use a similar example to ppl, I say "you try taking too many paracetamol see what happens."

Safest over the counter medicine. Also super toxic.


Well-known member
I use a similar example to ppl, I say "you try taking too many paracetamol see what happens."

Safest over the counter medicine. Also super toxic.
I'll get shit for eating every 3 hours at work yet it's perfectly acceptable to take 6 smoke breaks per shift. Forget the steroid use.....people just hate it when you're achieving what they wish they could.


So a guy with blood that's 50% microplastics, a fatass with a fucking Twinkie in his hand, a coffee junkie who hadn't missed a dose in 10 years, a guy who works in an office box with 2 minutes of sunlight a day, a guy on 10 different prescribed opioids for his occasional sadness, and a guy who believes in healing abilities of some magic Tibet herbal mix (90% cow shit, 10% monk spit), all walk up to an athlete, and say: "you know, steroids are akchually bad for your health".

These discussions are hilarious, people want to shit on what you do because it makes them feel better, they're not willing to learn anything new or have a nice argument on a controversial topic.

Just some positive stuff that comes to mind:

I never thought I'd dive so much into all the medical, biological, biochemical rabbit holes. The fear of getting a permanent ED in my first cycle or just having a heart attack right in the middle of a set because I may fuck up with dosing or stack the wrong gear made me invest a ton (and I mean it) of time into learning how steroids, and eventually, how my body works, how it reacts to certain compounds, how do I – literally, as a human bing — actually fucking work. What's going on in the background? What random sneaky substance I can blame for a shitty sleepless night? What exactly happens when I get too sensitive to people around and get angry at things that aren't worth it? Why do my muscles grow when I do X and Y and don't grow if I do Z?

If I had never tried gear, I wouldn't care and would just go on with "meh, maybe I was not tired" or "meh, maybe it's just a bad day". ALL fucking things that happen to your body have a reason. You can actually AFFECT it. This knowledge is the greatest gift I've got from researching and eventually using steroids. Just a few things that I've learned from the steroid (and bodybuilding in general) community and actually implemented into my life:

Removed sugar from my diet completely. Used to add this poison to everything. Probably gained a few years of life with just that.
Worked on my sleep. It was tough, but it was worth it. Actually worked on my diet. I count my ins and count my outs. When I see teenage girls with some Sugar McSugarComa Pumpkin Latte with Triple Caramel I pray for their hearts and livers. People don't know shit about things they stuff themselves with. If I never tried gear and never got conscious about it — I would probably go for all the poison around too, would look like shit and would by now turn into a +1 in annual heart disease death stats (second deadliest shit in Canada).

I can go on and on but it looks like a crazy rant now so I better stop, it almost turns into a ritual to vent here on Fridays. I'm in now way close to being at least 1% as good at it as I would love to, I'm a complete newbie practically, I'm 29 so I may be wrong on a ton of things here and I may regret them by 50, but I definitely like the rabbit hole my fears of the first cycle pushed me in. I'd never get there if it was not about steroids.

If you live in 2023 and you didn't pick your poison, you either live in a cave or someone picked your poison for you. So far, I think I've picked one of the best poisons I could.


Well-known member
Steroids - how they improve my life...

Well, before steroids, I worked out like a Ni...ce man (you thought I was gonna be rude) and was stagnating. Granted, I was a big bloke, but I had hit the plateau.

I had played with roids as a kid and it worked - who'd have thought. So, about 5 years ago, I jumped back in. As a shift worker food is always on your mind, sleep is always hard to come by and rest is nigh on impossible. That's mental rest. Since being on the juice, I am stronger, physically and mentally, not a sufferer of roid rage even on Tren (I think week 4 now) and all in all the results are good.

My body shape is mass rather than aesthetics, but I am happy with that. I look like a brick shithouse and at work that is plenty handy.

I do have one big gripe - I hate drugs. Not the users but the manufacturers. I worked in an anti coercion and human trafficking unit many years ago (in a former life) and I realised that those who traffic and manufacture drugs destroy lives - all from weed through to heroin and all in-between, so I have a slight moral dilemma - every sunny side....


Well-known member
Hi... I'm Gainz and I'm addicted to gear.
(The whole group) "hi Gainz"

Steroids... Hmm... Well simply put steroids brought me back to who I was 10 years ago. 10 years ago I was in really good shape (natural) 6ft 176lb lean and did a 300lb bench and 160lb strict curl. Then I got hurt, 3 herniated discs and a 6" tear in my spine. Between the pain killers and steroids (not the good kind) it looked like I picked up a crack habit. I dropped to 130lbs in just a few months. Went from being stupid strong to not being able to tie my shoes.
Well my back got better... But the pills stayed. Then the pills doubled... Then tripled... and then new pills were added... Those beautiful devils Xanax... God I hate to love those things. Because of the pills... My unhappiness and several other problems with the relationship I was in my life choices just kept getting worse. There was a long period where I really considered renting a gun and buying a bullet (if you get my drift) anyway... At just about my lowest point... After I ended that 12 year relationship and lost my apartment (because my lease was through her family member) I found my new girl. What she saw in me... I'll never understand. Anyway fast forward and she saw a picture of me in my late 20s. She said "damn, where's that Gainz been"
As much as that hurt my pride it lit a fire under me.
Since then I've gone from 137lb to 181lb. I've put 4" on my biceps and more than doubled my bench.
My libido is through the roof, my energy is seemingly endless. Most importantly I'm clean and sober... A little over 2 years now.
I use to lay in bed and hate life... Now... We're almost never home. Always going for hikes with our kids and dogs, bike rides. Went from ashamed to Walk through my own house without a shirt on to never having a shirt on in public. I'm a completely different person... Head to toe... I have nothing in common with the person I was almost 2.5 years ago.
My girl has said several times she feels like she's with a different person... That she feels like she's cheating on the old me with the new me.
I went from the person my family was worried about to the person they call when they need something.
Gear has completely changed my life in every way possible... My anxiety is virtually gone, no more racing thoughts. It's given me the energy and strength to have the best job I've ever had... And climb through the ranks. Only been there 10 months and I'm the 3rd highest paid person.

They say pictures speak louder than words.. I know many of you have seen them... But this is how gear has changed my life. From someone who was incredibly unhappy... And truly almost gave up... Too someone who feels like king dick and lives a pretty good life... From career to family... To a active, weird and... Welcoming sex life.


Well-known member
Hi... I'm Gainz and I'm addicted to gear.
(The whole group) "hi Gainz"

Steroids... Hmm... Well simply put steroids brought me back to who I was 10 years ago. 10 years ago I was in really good shape (natural) 6ft 176lb lean and did a 300lb bench and 160lb strict curl. Then I got hurt, 3 herniated discs and a 6" tear in my spine. Between the pain killers and steroids (not the good kind) it looked like I picked up a crack habit. I dropped to 130lbs in just a few months. Went from being stupid strong to not being able to tie my shoes.
Well my back got better... But the pills stayed. Then the pills doubled... Then tripled... and then new pills were added... Those beautiful devils Xanax... God I hate to love those things. Because of the pills... My unhappiness and several other problems with the relationship I was in my life choices just kept getting worse. There was a long period where I really considered renting a gun and buying a bullet (if you get my drift) anyway... At just about my lowest point... After I ended that 12 year relationship and lost my apartment (because my lease was through her family member) I found my new girl. What she saw in me... I'll never understand. Anyway fast forward and she saw a picture of me in my late 20s. She said "damn, where's that Gainz been"
As much as that hurt my pride it lit a fire under me.
Since then I've gone from 137lb to 181lb. I've put 4" on my biceps and more than doubled my bench.
My libido is through the roof, my energy is seemingly endless. Most importantly I'm clean and sober... A little over 2 years now.
I use to lay in bed and hate life... Now... We're almost never home. Always going for hikes with our kids and dogs, bike rides. Went from ashamed to Walk through my own house without a shirt on to never having a shirt on in public. I'm a completely different person... Head to toe... I have nothing in common with the person I was almost 2.5 years ago.
My girl has said several times she feels like she's with a different person... That she feels like she's cheating on the old me with the new me.
I went from the person my family was worried about to the person they call when they need something.
Gear has completely changed my life in every way possible... My anxiety is virtually gone, no more racing thoughts. It's given me the energy and strength to have the best job I've ever had... And climb through the ranks. Only been there 10 months and I'm the 3rd highest paid person.

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View attachment 866535
They say pictures speak louder than words.. I know many of you have seen them... But this is how gear has changed my life. From someone who was incredibly unhappy... And truly almost gave up... Too someone who feels like king dick and lives a pretty good life... From career to family... To a active, weird and... Welcoming sex life.
what a fucking difference in size.