How long are vials of Test C good?


New member

Being a total rookie and a complete dumbass, I way over bought Test C. How long are the vials good for and what is the proper storage method to maximize the life span?




As a general rule, the expiry date is that of the oil the compound is suspended in. However, ba is added which has preservation properties. Thus, its likely good for longer than the actial expiry date of the oil used. 




Just keep those vials in a dark area that is at room temp in your residence. I just got off a cycle of prop that was 2 years old. It was excellent. I see oils with exp. dates here and there. Most say 3 years from brew date...


Its cool to call yourself a rookie but don't say you're a dumbass or you will be. Say things like. I'm learning, I'm a good person, I'm going to be huge... Trust me bro, You are what you say you are... I know you were only kidding but you are by no means a dumbass. You Found us here at MG........




X2 with strong & +2

Kept in a dark place at room temp those vials will last at least 2 to 3 years. 


Big Nasty

New member

Agreed on all. I bought a shit ton of Test E from a source hear over a 1.5 yrs ago and still running it on TRT and in recent cycle. My blood work shows Total Test an Free Test levels are great. AVG total Test level at 900 to 1200ng/dl on 200mg of Test E per week.  
