How long do you run your cycles?


New member

I normaly run 12-16 weeks and stay off for about a month. just depends on the gear you are using and how well you can handle it.



New member

I always run a cycle for at least 12wks. More like 16-20 if I am using long esters. I dont have any studies to back this up, but I believe you retain more gains during and after pct if you give your body time to adjust to the extra weight that is being put on. Its not natural for your body to gain 10-20 lbs of muscle in a short amount of time like being on a cycle. Your body knows this, and it will try to get back into homeostasis when hormone levels get back to normal. Especially if you are already at or past your genetic potential. Plus it takes a while for long esters to really saturate blood plasma and get your levels at its highest for the dose you are running, so I feel I am cheating myself if I dont make the most of it by running it longer.
I would run a test prop/ tren ace or npp cycle for 8-10 weeks no problem because levels rise faster and most times im running a cutter if I were to use these. So gaining and retaining major muscle mass isnt a big issue over dropping bf%. Just my .02 on it.



New member

Usually I go for 12 weeks but would like to try 16-18 of test+primo, I think this will give me good quality muscles. I like primo.



New member

I go 8 weeks for short esters, and no less than 12-14 for long esters. 18 weeks is the longest so far I have gone. I am now considering blast and cruise and stay on low dose test and blast 2-3 times a year, but I'm 46 years old so I do not advise this for younger people.




Browse the forums and you will find loads of info on running cycles. Plus, you can check out others cycles as well. Here is just one example of what you will find.




New member

If you had to choose between:

A 10 Week cycle of 500mg Test E and 300mg Tren E/ Week


A 12 Week cycle of 400mg Test E and 240mg Tren E/ Week

Which would be best?



New member
My cycles will always include Test (I favor Test E).

10 week cycle.
Plus 2 week break
Plus 4 weeks PCT

I try and spend as much time off the gear (including PCT products).

So if you do the math it means I can only cycle twice a year at the most. I prefer to start in Jan for the 1st cycle, and July for the 2nd.


New member
I prefix this comment by saying I have not used Tren, but I have done a ton of research.

If I had to choose. I would choose the first option. Most posts I have read from Vets have recommended a shorter cycle if it includes Tren.

I am just preparing to run a 10 week cycle of 500mg Test E and 200mg Tren E.

Big Dan T

New member

Someone running their first cycle shold keep it very simple. A single compound is profecient enough to support growth. It's my opinion to start with a long estered testosterone base steroid. Perferably testosterone cypoinate, the reason I suggest test-c, is will increase growth gradually through out the cycle and with the proper pct, you will lock in 99 percent of you gains. Test-c is a long ester AAS and therefor it take the body longer to break down the compound and gains aren't noticed until the four week of use. Often people, like myself will kick start a cycle by using a oral steroid like dbol or anadrol to make almost instant gains, therefor asuring the alotted time on cycle "12 weeks" is used to it fullist potental. Perviously I said you should start with a single compound, because if you start with multiple compounds you might encounter a problem and it will be difficult to determ what compound it cause the undesired side effects. Testosterone is organic to your body so you should have any trouble using it. Just make sure if you decide to use a kick start, get the proper info on AI's... Gyno is a serous deal dude, I mean surgry bro...



New member

IMO it depends on a few factors, firsty your knowledge in regard to research and secondly your experience with taking the drugs.

so if it is your first or second cycle for example you need at least 10 no more the 12 weeks with say 2 products. Start with one product being a test then 4 weeks later add another product, this one will depend on your goal. From this you must observe what they do to you body and mind. After this cycle pct and come off then plan next cycle with a gap of at least half the time of which you were on.


For a more experience muilti cycle and multi compound user, say a comper then a year cycle is really not uncommon at all however they will have cruising periods while just on a lower dose of test to clear receptors. But eventually you do need to come off and this is for about 4 to 6 months in this time off peptides, hgh and insuline are all used.

There will be compers that say you don't need to do that and I comp, yeah and they never place and can't seem to improve season up season and this is why, unfortunately to get bigger and better you simply need to take more this is even more directed at the amount of insulin used. Note this is really aimed at those few who need the much bigger gains not the person who treat bodybuilding as a hobbie.

always remember there is no one size fits all and the whole sport and drugs in it are only made up of people experiences, experimentation is needed, take time and be clever about it. Don't listen to the over opinunated idiot that has all the answers (his full time job is probably working at star bucks). talk to users and read medical papers. If someone say to "do it like this" ask why!


good luck and look forward to a bigger better body ;)


shit i forgot you MUST have gyno ancillaries at the ready...this is a really easy pill to take and keep it basic. I like Adex AI at 0.75mg everyday it also stops my bloat dead. If I run every other day I get bloat and a little agression outside of the gym (not good) and even if I up the dose. Again experimenting what if right for you.
