How to not lose mass while injured!


New member

I recentley injured my shoulder and now need a operation on it..I will be out of training for about 12 there anything I can do to prevent upper body muscle loss??maybe an estrogen blocker like 6-oxo would help??please need some help.



New member

In all honesty, just eat. Make sure you get all your meals in and you should be fine. There are many top IFBB pros that take months off from the gym in the off season, and no one can tell me that they are losing mass.
Eating well and eating enough are key to keeping and maintaining whatever gains you have made.
Dont sweat it, hope your recovery goes well and quick. Muscle memory is a beautiful thing, you will be surprised how quickly you will get back up to heavy weights.
Take care



New member

ok, i guess eat enough but not too much to get fat..?!?!(i cant go on the bike or anything aerobic)...!



New member

Try supplementing with BCAAs and Glutamine to help prevent any muscle wasting, a high protein diet and HMB at 3-5g a day will help as well if you have the cash for it, it's REALLY pricey lol.



New member

I was on HGH as soon as i knew I was having surgury mind you for me it was an elbow repair....What i did was take deca low dose of course and some test I found my recovery time total was cut in half...
