I greet everybody got a question about a product


New member
Hello guys, I'm about to do the first cycle of my life.
I will go for Anavar as the first cycle ever.
The thing is I've placed an order on anavar 10 from Prius Labs.
I tried to do a research and read some reviews about it and at the end I found like nothing that was proper or real. I've seen some fake account good reviews and like around 1 to 2 guys that was real accounts do some bad reviews about it.
There it hit me, when you sew fake profiles doing reviews about something made me worried.

So the question is, did anyone tried Var or literally and product of Prius labs? Does it work? Or I will end up taking something that will literally do nothing on me except fk me up for no reason?

Please I would love honest replies, thank you in advance.


Well-known member
never heard of Prius Labs so I can't say anything about it.
nonetheless, my honest reply to you is: do not use Anavar only. I know that you may have read about doing an anavar cycle only online is a great start, but it is not. Men shouldn't use any steroids without testosterone in their cycles. in fact, doing a testosterone only cycle as a first cycle is safer and likely to bring you more results and make you feel better. So, better start testosterone instead of anavar. it is an injection, but it is much safer!


Well-known member
I haven’t heard of Prius labs.
Take a look at the Sponsors here in the sponsor section. There are some great ones! 👍


Well-known member
never heard of Prius Labs so I can't say anything about it.
nonetheless, my honest reply to you is: do not use Anavar only. I know that you may have read about doing an anavar cycle only online is a great start, but it is not. Men shouldn't use any steroids without testosterone in their cycles. in fact, doing a testosterone only cycle as a first cycle is safer and likely to bring you more results and make you feel better. So, better start testosterone instead of anavar. it is an injection, but it is much safer!

This is the best advice you will ever receive!!
(This anavar only cycle stuff is getting out of control... I wonder what influencer is doing it this time?)


Well-known member
(This anavar only cycle stuff is getting out of control... I wonder what influencer is doing it this time?)
i guess they are from people who just want to sell anavar to beginners who are afraid of injecting because anavar is the perfect blend for such a wrong advice - it is milder, it is oral, and it is more expensive.. I mean, i can't believe there's an actual fitness guy or bodybuilder who actually recommends it.


New member
Yeah to be honest it's not about afraid of needles or what so ever.
I was looking for the mildest anabolic out there.
It is going to be my first cycle ever.
What I wanted to achieve is get a bit of muscle, not crazy amounts and lose a bit of the stubborn fat. I'm currently 83 kg and 1.87 cm and body fat around 14%.
I know that I could do better choices like testo and I couldn't agree more. When I placed the order I didn't to be honest.
I've speded a good amount of cash for anavar that's true.
My question honestly is let's say I do start anavar only.
My cycle would be 6 weeks with the 1st week 20mg, 10 in the morning and 10 in the evening.
2 week the same.
3rd and 4th 30mg.
5th and 6th 20 MG again.
I was planning on Novaldex 20mg afterwards and to take with the anavar Liv52 and Omega 3.
I will do blood work every 2 to 3 weeks and of course before I start it.
My question is should I expect what I'm targeting? Like tiny gains and lose a bit of fat?
And if so after stopping the anavar will those go away? Of course the diet will be great in and out of anavar with plenty of protein as well.
If my testosterone drops, will it come back to normal afterwards with the Nolvadex?
The fact that testo might drop or be low means that the gains will go away because of low testo?
Thats my questions. I don't want to over do it as a lifes first cycle.
I want something mild to introduce me in this field.


New member
Also I'm 30 yo and I'm training 5 times per week.
I won't change nothing in terms of training after anavar. I will do the same as I always did with gear or not in terms of how may times I'll train how I'm eating etc.


Well-known member
My question is should I expect what I'm targeting? Like tiny gains and lose a bit of fat?
that's possible, but it is also very possible you're going to lose gains and even add fat because anavar will also lower your testosterone which you need to achieve those results.
And if so after stopping the anavar will those go away? Of course the diet will be great in and out of anavar with plenty of protein as well.
some of the gains will likely disappear after any cycle of steroids stops, but with proper PCT, diet, and workout plan, you'll likely retain most of those gains made.
If my testosterone drops, will it come back to normal afterwards with the Nolvadex?
your natural testosterone WILL drop (not if), after any cycle of steroids. but yes, it should come back to normal after PCT (with nolvadex and/or clomid). the longer the cycle, the harsher the steroids, the higher the dosage - the harder it is for natural T level to come back (that's why you need harsher PCT plans).
The fact that testo might drop or be low means that the gains will go away because of low testo?
yes, your gains are directly infuenced by your testosterone levels. the higher the levels, the more gains you can make. that's why first cycle should be with testosterone. it is safer and likely going to bring more results while making you feel great. cycle with anavar alone will lower testosterone, which will make you feel like shit.
I won't change nothing in terms of training after anavar. I will do the same as I always did with gear or not in terms of how may times I'll train how I'm eating etc.
yeah, you do need to continue training and dieting right during and after cycle. although, if your goal is to gain muscle, you may attempt eating a bit more, to gain more, especially during cycle

Crazy Eddie

Well-known member
An Anavar only cycle, IMO is just stupid.
You wan to take steroids? Be a man stick a needle in your ass 😆

It sounds like you’re going to do it anyway despite what we suggest on here.
Just remember, you’re altering your body chemistry, and when something bad happens, you don’t get to cry about it. Because you were warned of the risks and consequences beforehand. 😊


Well-known member
I'm sure you overpaid like crazy for a hundred anavar... Your best bet is spending another $100 bucks and getting 2 vials of test.
Run 300mg for 16 weeks. Run your anavar for the last 6 weeks on top of the test. Then pct.
This will give you the results you want... Instead of spending $$$ on anavar just to too feel like shit.


Well-known member
I'm sure you overpaid like crazy for a hundred anavar... Your best bet is spending another $100 bucks and getting 2 vials of test.
Run 300mg for 16 weeks. Run your anavar for the last 6 weeks on top of the test. Then pct.
This will give you the results you want... Instead of spending $$$ on anavar just to too feel like shit.
now that's a plan