I have arrived


I’m fike. I’m a 35 year old construction management specialist and retired Air Force vet. I’m 6 foot and 185 lbs at the moment and 12-24 percent body fat. I’m recovering from a left pectoral tendon tear that got a staph infection a couple weeks after initial surgery, so I haven’t even started PT yet and it’s driving me crazy. I’m staying in shape and look pretty good things considered.

Been in TRT for a little over 3 years. It's more like I’m always running a mini cycle with 250 mg per week test cyp and 500 IU’s every other day as my minimum. I love this shit. Strength training and Freemasonry are my two main outlets to becoming a better man.

I’m very happily married to one hell of a woman. She is my world and I don’t want to imagine life without her unless I have to. We have three kids, one boy and two girls, that I inherited from my wife’s piece of shit ex. He is a woman beater and common dead beat dad. I’m glad his children consider me their father though. They are amazing children.

Speaking of children, my wife and I are expecting our fourth child right now, which we found out tonight that we are having a girl! Both of us are ecstatic. We’ve had several pregnancy complications since we got married. Word of advice….use HCG from the very beginning of going on TRT. Maintaining fertility is easy, but regaining it is very hard.

I’m just looking forward to checking out a new forum and seeing what this one is about. I’m on several others. I just needed a change. I hope I can contribute and make a friend or two.

I guess I can tell y’all what my current recovery and lower body growth protocol is as well: 250 Test Cyp/ 400 Primo/ 400 EQ/ 200 Deca per week, 25 Anavar per day, 500 IU HCG every other day, 250 mcg BPC-157 twice daily, 2500 mcg TB500 twice weekly, and 3 IU HGH nightly.


Well-known member
Haha.. best into yet!
We definitely have some similarities... 35, 6ft, 190lbs, 3 kids... and engaged to the love of my life!! Best woman I've ever met... period end of conversation.

Sorry about your injury and complications brother... glad you are on the path to recovery.

I'm a little confused about the 12-24 bf% tho?
Is that bulk vs cutting?
Because there's a huge difference between those 2 numbers. One is very lean and close to me... the other... well... isn't.

Also congrats on the baby... hopefully that's where our similarities end 🤣🤣🤣. I want absolutely no part in that 🤣🤣.

But welcome brother, I'm sure you are going to love it here if you stick around. Plenty of like minded guys around here


Well-known member
welcome bro. i also got a bit confused about th 12-24 bf% lol.
also, do you have any other experience with roids other than just testosterone?
because you're planning to have a stack with a lot of compounds so it could be too much for you.


Haha.. best into yet!
We definitely have some similarities... 35, 6ft, 190lbs, 3 kids... and engaged to the love of my life!! Best woman I've ever met... period end of conversation.

Sorry about your injury and complications brother... glad you are on the path to recovery.

I'm a little confused about the 12-24 bf% tho?
Is that bulk vs cutting?
Because there's a huge difference between those 2 numbers. One is very lean and close to me... the other... well... isn't.

Also congrats on the baby... hopefully that's where our similarities end 🤣🤣🤣. I want absolutely no part in that 🤣🤣.

But welcome brother, I'm sure you are going to love it here if you stick around. Plenty of like minded guys around here
The BF% was definitely a typo. 😂😂 it was supposed to say 12-14%.


welcome bro. i also got a bit confused about th 12-24 bf% lol.
also, do you have any other experience with roids other than just testosterone?
because you're planning to have a stack with a lot of compounds so it could be too much for you.
Haha. I’m a knuckle dragger sometimes, brother. I didn’t proofread. I meant to say 12-14% BF.

On the other question, I definitely have a little more experience than just test. I’ve only actually ran two test only cycles. They were my first two cycle. I put on good solid mass and looked great, but test only makes me feel like straight up garbage. Blood pressure issues and bloating being the main negative side effect. I had sexual sides that were great either. EQ and and Var are my two favorite compounds by far. I like Tren Hex too, but don’t want to include on this cycle. I know I respond very well to EQ and Var though. I have to use a little bit of arimidex usually when i run EQ, but maybe the Primo will keep my E2 down. I actually just got blood work done this morning, so I’ll see how it looks.

All of that to say I prefer low test cycles these days.


Well-known member
I've been wanting to try primo... I just can't comprehend the price.
Mast e is my favorite compound... by far!!!


I've been wanting to try primo... I just can't comprehend the price.
Mast e is my favorite compound... by far!!!
Man, before my injury, I was cutting weight and I had a good cycle of test, primo, and mast going on. It was my first go with primo or mast. The mast/primo combo really made me feel extremely solid. Muscles were rock hard. Unfortunately I only made it 6 weeks into cycle before I tore my peck, so that was a let down. I didn’t get to see either compound really shine.

The primo is very expensive, but luckily I have a great source that allows me to run it for an extremely decent price. Otherwise, it would definitely be a no-go. I’ve got a pile of mast e from where I didn’t get to complete my last cycle. It’ll definitely be thrown into the mix on the next one.


Well-known member
I can get primo for half of what most sources want... I would never ever pay $120 for it..
But I definitely want to give it a shot.
I think my next summer blast I'm going all out
750 test
400 tren
300 mast
200 primo
Maybe some oral Winny at the beginning.
But I may run the primo without the mast... I mostly want to see how it's different.
I have one group of people telling me it's just like mast... while another says it's like a weaker tren.
I just need to find out for myself.

Also how do you train? If you tore a pec....I'm assuming you go pretty heavy?


I can get primo for half of what most sources want... I would never ever pay $120 for it..
But I definitely want to give it a shot.
I think my next summer blast I'm going all out
750 test
400 tren
300 mast
200 primo
Maybe some oral Winny at the beginning.
But I may run the primo without the mast... I mostly want to see how it's different.
I have one group of people telling me it's just like mast... while another says it's like a weaker tren.
I just need to find out for myself.

Also how do you train? If you tore a pec....I'm assuming you go pretty heavy?
400 Tren would turn me into a crazy person. haha. I can handle the mental effects very well; I am slightly more aggressive. my bloodwork also stays in check at 200 per week, but I can't handle the night sweats. it's the worst, dude. the only way I really found to mitigate it is to run 100 mg per week of tren hex. I love that shit. no noticeable sides at all. I found that a low dose of tren also helps me conserve my primo nicely. It's a nice little add-on to help the wallet out.

I definitely enjoy going heavy more than anything else. the dopamine rush after a heavy lift is like nothing I've ever felt. has to be what shooting heroin feels like. My training split is balanced though. I do an upper body, lower body split. heavy weight, lower rep one day and then lower weight higher rep the next. It's mostly all compound lifts, because I train at home 75% of the time and my power rack, dumb bells, and belt squat are my best friends.

When I tore my pec, I was cutting weight pretty aggressively and I was definitely dehydrated from the day before. My ego fucked me. I was 181 lbs and I was hitting a three rep max on my bench, which is my weakest lift, loaded with 355. I was being stupid, but I felt like superman. I was lowering my second rep and I heard the sound of a firecracker. That's what it sounded like to me anyway. I knew what happened. There was automatic swelling and major bruising down my bicep the next day. There was a huge knot in my pec where the tendon retracted. All that to say, my training is going to have to change for a while now.


Welcome to the group. Congrats on the baby girl. Great people and info here. Heal up quick
Thanks, brother! Definitely looking for a more laid back forum. The Redditors have taken over my usuals and it's not even fun to go on anymore.


Well-known member
the dopamine rush after a heavy lift is like nothing I've ever felt. has to be what shooting heroin feels like.

I promise... it's not... 🤣🤣🤣

But yeah injuries from lifting heavy... scare the shit out of me. Been there... that's a big reason why I know for sure heroin is better than lifting heavy... 🫣
I mean... um... no kids... don't do drugs! Lifting heavy is way better than heroin! Never do drugs!

Since I got hurt and started lifting again I don't really do much over bodyweight. I truly try my best to not let my ego get the best of me. As much as I use to love clanging and banging... getting hurt scares me so much more.
So now I just focus on volume, volume, volume and more volume!
355 at 180 is nuts brother!
My best ever was 300 at 175lb body weight. Then very shortly after I got really hurt and didn't touch a weight for almost 8 years. I had almost no chest either... pure fuckin tricep power. I was young and dumb... had no idea what I was doing or how to even eat right.
I was almost 20lbs lighter then... yet my arms were a whole inch bigger 🤣🤣🤣
Everyday was arm day!


Well-known member
Nope... I haven't.
I'm seriously considering it for my next summer blast. Running primo instead of mast
I wouldn’t take primo over mast it’s definitely more of a lighter tren and you don’t get as many negative side effects and you can cruise on it pretty decently as well. But test tren mast you can’t beat it lol


Well-known member
I wouldn’t take primo over mast it’s definitely more of a lighter tren and you don’t get as many negative side effects and you can cruise on it pretty decently as well. But test tren mast you can’t beat it lol

That's exactly what I said!!!


Well-known member
You already know it brother lmao. I got some blends I need to use but I have a new plug I use and his shit is amazing so I quit taking everything else I had and started straight using his.
Nothing better than having a good source in this game!
Been with my guy for a year now... have his personal number... vials of test for $30 and he usually throws in something extra when I spend over $100
(A extra vial, some orals)
I remember trying to find a legit source in the beginning... sending Bitcoin and hoping not to get ripped off.
Now it's just as easy as ordering from Amazon


Well-known member
Nothing better than having a good source in this game!
Been with my guy for a year now... have his personal number... vials of test for $30 and he usually throws in something extra when I spend over $100
(A extra vial, some orals)
I remember trying to find a legit source in the beginning... sending Bitcoin and hoping not to get ripped off.
Now it's just as easy as ordering from Amazon
Yes me too bro and this guy has been making it for 30 years and he’s also a pharmacist but does do this because he was tired of watching everyone get screwed so he does it all and he’s a animal he’s 51 and is absolutely amazing I can call him tell him what I want and most likely have it the same day cuz he’s making it every single day he has such a large clientele group.


Well-known member
Yes me too bro and this guy has been making it for 30 years and he’s also a pharmacist but does do this because he was tired of watching everyone get screwed so he does it all and he’s a animal he’s 51 and is absolutely amazing I can call him tell him what I want and most likely have it the same day cuz he’s making it every single day he has such a large clientele group.
Oh that's a dope hook up!!!! Freshy fresh gear