I'm here, I'm Geared, Get used to it


Well-known member
Still very very impressive brother. And anadrol makes you fuckn stupid strong but I had the exact same issues.
depends what anadrol and if its pharma or ugl anadrol you use. but your wright wes, anadrol makes you very strong.


Well-known member
It was UGL, first time was a UGL, 2nd Time was my own brew, for science... ha
So both time were some home brew shit lmao. Try xt labs they seem to have the best orals I’ve experienced some are similar but XT never have I had a bad batch


Well-known member
I think it’s something from the black panther show. That flower they take to become black panther…..

Great... now I just made fun of an entire make believe race of people...

Ehh... no regrets 🤣🤣🤣


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