Input on potential future cycle


New member

Looking into potentially doing this cycle soon, what's you opinion?

1mL - Test C 
1mL - Deca 
1mL - Tren Ace 
Together = 1 pin 
1.5mL - Tren Ace 
= 1 pin 
1mL - Test C 
1mL - Deca 
1mL - Tren Ace 
Together = 1 pin 
Aromasin - 1 capsule every 3 days 
Adrol - 2 capsules a day (1 am/1 pm) for the first 4 weeks 
Caber - 1 capsule per week  





Deca + tren = 2 19nor compounds. That makes this cycle a bad idea right off the bat. With the half life of ace being 48hrs m/w/f is not a good plan. Your blood levels will be all over the place. 

What is your prior experience with tren?

Have you ran test higher than tren before?

Every compound you use in a cycle should be for a certain purpose to help you acieve a goal you have set for yourself.

Test is the base of every cycle

Deca is for mass, and strength as well as the therapeutic joint properties. 

Tren...what is your goal in mind with tren in this particular cycle with the other two compounds?



Well-known member

Thanks for sharing. I have a few questions for your consideration? What is your goals? What is your cycle experience? Have you ever ran a 19-nor? Do you understand the increased risks and have enough experience to run 2 19-nors at the same time? What is the concentration of your steroids of choice?

Please don’t feel like you have to answer any of these questions. I am just posting these questions in case you forgot to ask them of yourself.






Not much to ask as D and SF have asked the pertinent questions. I'm curious what the answers will be (I think this is the second 19-nor stack I've seen making me wonder if someone posted up some cycle somewhere on the net that some "pro" ran. Sounds like a Boston Lloyd idea to me. That kid allegedly runs some very unconventional and whack cycles)


x2 - I just don't get this at all and would love to hear the answer. I'm also hoping this person isn't new to AAS. If they are, us Vets have a lot of work ahead of us.

My initial guess is the goal is a major bulking but then why the two 19-nor's. The test C isn't even a large amount for a major bulk. Most come at 200-250/ml so he isn't getting any more then 500mg/week.

If this is for cutting, this really doesn't make sense. Why the test c and Deca. Not a cutting combo. 





As I was driving in thick traffic to work, and nothing but blathering bullshit spewing from the radio, I got to thinking about stacking two 19's, and especially deca, the long ester, and tren ace, the short. Its kinda like trying to be in to races, the Indy 500 (deca) and a drag race (tren ace). Pick a race and roll with it. However, running two 19's back to back is probably just fine, but I would go with two shorts like npp into tren ace so there is little overlap. Even so, that would have to be no less than 16 weeks in my opinion. Further, one must have the training and diet nailed for the goal one wishes to accomplish, which have to be a very clean lean mass gain with the intention of gaining very little fat in the process. I'm sure some may disagree to an extent, and for very good reason without a doubt. Without healthy debate, we'd just be a stagnant pool of filthy water.


I can agree with your thought process - use a shorter ester to kickstart the longer one. Lots of people already do this with Test why not with other compounds.




I am not even sure what his idea is, hopefully he'll tell us. Off top, its a bulk, but at this point its all speculation. My intention is just to iron out the kinks, and get to the basics.



New member

take out the Tren, great bulk/mass cycle. Tren, unless you have  desire not to sleep, is a tough one for me. Personally. And night sweats. Not a fan. This is a stack I’d try sans the tren  

ABOMBS... be very carefuL. Each person reacts differently but 90% of the time it’s bad. Me, I get HBP and feel my heart in my neck at night. 

Blood work for me to keep the levels from not dropping is a Monday pin Thursday pin. But that’s being a bit nit picky. 



New member

Sorry i wasn't getting the notifications that people were replying to my topic.

Its actually Tren E not Ace.
