Is a 10ml 300mg ml of deca fake




Some people get back pumps some don't. Sides are that way with any compound. I personally do not get back pumps from dbol unless i deadlift heavy. You could run tbol or anadrol too.



New member

I think I have figured out my cycle. I think I'm on the right track. I'm still researching. Should I post it and get some feed back?




Yes.  And I hope  .  Its a wise decision anx test only ,, if dbol is in there I think I. An live with that  )) so what is it 



New member

Week 1-12 500mg/ week Test C

Week 1-10 300mg/ week Deca

Week 13-22 I will go back to my trt which is 200mg/ week test c

Week 23 500iu/ed HCG

Week 24 500iu/ed HCG (1st and 3rd day) & 50mg clomid

Week 25-27 25mg clomid

I will take 3mg of Amiridex a week thoughout the cycle. It's a a prescription the Dr said take 1 the day before my injection and 2 two days afterwards.

Right track or back to the drawing board? I want to run a cycle of trt after the stack then I want to get off for a few months. I'm also going to order some cabergoline.




Heres the problems with this ------------deca run no where near long enough , which means to me you didnt go on any sites and do any research.  #2 there is no ai ,, and the most important is ,ater all said NO DA !!! YOU KNOW WHAT I I SICK AND TIRED OF PUSSY FOOTING AROUND THIS    there is no way after all we said this post comes up . Its impossible , no ai , no da , no anything for real but Plp gonna give advise ????  And tell me chill , ya  .  Im gonna chill im not playing this game im out , no disrespect to anyone ,, sorrry just my feelings 



New member

You know what I'm done too. No matter what I say there is something wrong. You sir have a nice day. I hope never interact with you again.



New member

I took that stack from a website. I just took out the dbol. Everthing was the same.Plus I have seen other stack from sites that ran a 12 week test and  a 10 week deca cycle. I was also advised to go back to my trt after I'm done with my stack.



New member

There must be a misunderstanding on my part or something. Sieg siad I didn't mention AI. Isn't amiridex AI? If so I did mention that. I said the the Dr prescribed me 3mg a week. I'm not sure what da stands for, but if it has anything to do with proactlin levels I mentioned that too. I said I was going to purchase some caber.




Dopamine atagonist. Ill probably take heat myself for this but I dont really give a fuccckkk. Lol. If you wanna run deca go for it. As long as you have caber and and an AI you will be fine. Id also keep some viagra on hand to make sure.your dick still gets nice.and hard. 10 weeks is short.for deca because it.wont.kick in till like the third week. So 12 to 16 weeks is better. Common guys lemme have it lol.




Ill tell you this tho the reason its recommeneded to do test only.first cycle is so you.learn how your body responds. Estrogen.sides, how much ai you need, etc etc. 



New member

Thanks, I'm already taking test. This cycle will not be my 1st cycle. The Dr ran  my blood work and prescribed me that amount of AI.




Good deal man. Then have it. Caber and an AI and you will be just fine. If you have a regular sex life keep something cialis or viagra around just in case you need the assistance. 



New member

I know a few source that have been making 300mg DECA for years now. Also there are 300mg Trens, 1000mg Eq's out there along with other big Mg and even bigger blends. 




I dont know the exact hormonal science behind it someone smarter than me will have to explain. But low dopamine levels and high prolactin can destroy your sex drive. Drugs like pramipexole and cabergoline help solve this by.lowering elevated prolactin.



New member

I was going to buy some cabergoline as soon as I can find some. Well I will buy some when I figured out the correct stack. I have heard to many bad stories about orals so I don't want to take them.




Caber isnt gonna be.toxic to your liver like dbol or something. And keep in mind we take waaaay lower.doses than what someone whos a parkisons patient.would be.taking. so dont worry about.that. its a MUST if you.wanna run.deca now or in future. There are.several international sources with.pharma caber in.stock



New member

Regular sex life???What's that? I'm married. lol It seem like a regular sex life stopped after I said I do and we had kids.
