Is Dbol similar to Deca?




I'm under the impression that Dbol is simply an oral version of Deca. Is this correct?

I like to avoid the compounds that are known for increasing hemo #;s drastically.... like deca and eq

Would Dbol behave about the same as deca in regards to red blood cell production?




Dbol is a methylated version of EQ. Now you have to remember one molecule difference will change how a compound acts within the body so best to not think of it as structurally similar and just research dbol




Good question burrr, but I've seen articles that argue both sides. Some say it does increase rbc and others say it decreases rbc. That's another downfall to the govt outlawing aas. Studies on it can't be conducted. You could do your own experiment by getting bloods prior to a cycle of test and dbol. Then get bloods 4 or 5 weeks later to compare. 




ItallianStallion89 said:
I have never heard that before. Does anyone have a link that could explain this to me
</p><p> </p><p></p><p></p><p>Here are the chemical structures. 6061 is Methandrostenolone aka dbol and 12744 is Boldenone aka EQ. What you will be looking for is the methyl group, its the CH3 (I don't know how to type subscript here but the 3 will be sub) by the hydroxyl group</p><p> </p>



English man English   eq and deca raises my rbc deca has actually got me flagged for enlarged blood cells as well  the only thing they have ever flagged me on dbol for was  thyroid function. It was high quit dbol had another test ran and back to normal. Scratching my head ..... Was also on eq  however burr i am anemic so even on cycle my rbc is rarely high and if it is not by much 
