Is EQ under or over rated


New member

Going to break the ice and step out with my first topic.  I have taken 3 cycles with EQ involved. I have had what I would say good solid gains every time I have used EQ with Test. My experience is that when added to test I have added vascularity, added gains and increased lung volume for strenuous cardio.  I recommend EQ to a lot of guys that are on there 3rd or 4th cycle and are looking to stack with test for there first time because of the low side effects.  From browsing through the forum, I see a some guys asking questions about there first few cycles. I have not seen EQ mentioned much. May have not dug deep enough , but what are your thoughts on EQ and do you believe that it is a good first stack for guys looking to add to test for the first time and is it the fact that you have to run it for so long that it is not so popular? 





New member

Yes and no bro. Yes because it doesn't impact the hpta as harsh as other choice. Yes because it has a moderate anabolic/androgenic ratio meaning less ancillaries. 

No because it hits your blood pressure hard along with your Hematocrit/Red Blood cells. It also calls for a longer cycle. 12 wks just isn't enough to see the real benefits of EQ. At least it wasn't for me personally. I saw my greatest gains wks 14-20. Yeah that's longer than most will run it but it's definitely a compound meant to be run for longer cycles. 

Another thing is donating blood. Every EQ should call for you to donate blood. It keeps your Hemaotcrit and red blood cells in check and on par with healthy levels. I donate every 8 wks anyway but I never have issues due to that reason. 

so brother I'm torn. Yes and No. Wtf I sound crazy!



New member

Good post axle. I will play the devils advocate and say the 3 top reasons some may not want to add as a first addition after test only cycles. 

1. Beginner is already going to have some higher RBC from the synthetic test in the system and now u r adding a compound that can drastically increase the RBC and the hematocrit values.

2. High blood pressure not easily controlled since by the time it kicks in(usually 6 weeks in), quick adjustments will be difficult.

3. Overall length of the required cycle which u already mentioned.

On the other hand, personally I am a fan of the solid gains and the cardio advantag that comes with eq/test cycle




haha, na bro not crazy at all this is the kind of stuff people need to read.  EQ has is disadvantages of RBC, blood pressure & a long cycle time. The advatages are moderate ratio and low side effects,prevents a catabolic state, promotes nitrogen retention, very little water retention.

I agree 100% that donating is needed, I advise it on every EQ cycle. Good point I left that out.

I just wanted to hear others opinion on it because IMO EQ should be a valid option to consider for guys looking to stack there first time.    Keep them coming.




Also stacking something like proviron which can cause bp issues is a consideration too. My last cycle was with eq. It was planned for 20 weeks but cut short at 17 due to bp issues. Another thing I like about eq is the vascularity and the hunger.



New member

Ha I eat like a horse on EQ. Gotta have lots of cucumber and rice cakes around when that hunger kicks in unless you're bulking that hunger can get dangerous. 




I don't think it is too useful myself. although for someone with a naturally low range rbc, it could be beneficial. I already have a naturally out of range high rbc so I stay away




Dolf said:
</p><p>Yea I like to really call it <strong>"THE HUNGER"</strong> <strong> </strong></p><p>
</p><p> </p><p>only benefit to it really. but that can obtaind thru peptides like ghrp6 easily aand cheaper imo</p>



So far out of all aas I have tried I like eq it did mess with my bp.  towards the end  not bad 130s 0ver 80s usually runs oneteens over sixties  it leaned me out great with hardness and veins for days  I think it works so well for me due to the fact I'm anemic and my rbc stays low even on My trt only time it dips in normal range is on cycle




Thanks for sharing your experience.  there is one thing I wanted to add as previously in this thread we where talking about donating blood.  I wanted to bring this up because i have ran into a few guys that were not aware of this, for those who choose to use Proscar for hair loss while on different cycles, please do some research before donating.  As traces of finasteride will retain in the transferred blood and can be harmful to the future recipient.  Just some added info.  




Woody you can't discuss this in open forum. Read the reviews and make a decision. That's what they are there for brother.



Moderator check out the rules, get active, and you'll be a lot more comfortable in the decision you make. You should also make an intro so the community can welcome you my man.



New member

I did my first cycle in 94. I have been engaged in "Active Cycling" since then.. 20+ years.. If it's out there.. I've used it. Back in 94, before the internet was around we had limited information on what products worked, how they affected your HTPA, Blood Pressure and Hematocrit. All we knew was what was written in some of the first Anaboic Review books by Duchaine and Phillips.. Very limited to say the least. Back then, the only EQ you could find was the 50mg/ml version and tooko get 200-400mg per week you had to take 8ml.. That was fucking hell. I think that's why most of us opted for Deca back then.. It was just easier to take.. But now, with all the information, blood testing availability and ease of use that has come with the "new market" I have had several clients start on EQ and Test as a first time cycle. Of course with proper blood panels done before, during and after the cycle.. For the majority who eat clean and don't do traditional "crazy bulks" they are able to maintain good blood pressure and normal hematocrit.. Of course if that value goes up we usually have them donate.. On the plus it really helps the hard gainer get in the food they need to when trying to add size. The appetite stimulating qualities of EQ.. are in my opinion.. unparalleled. Really really good for increase food intake. Also gives most users a nice hardness and dense quality.. I believe most users tend to hold on to gains better when using a base of EQ or Deca as opposed to just a blend of Test and Tren.  I think the gains are slower but higher in quality.. That's just my experience with it. I usually have my guys run 100mg eod of EQ for 5 weeks before switching to NPP or another anabolic base.. No complaints on this side.

Dr. R
