Is my diet ok?


New member

Hey guys I just started a new diet and would like to know its good for cutting 

it is as follows;

220-250 grams of protein a day

205 grams of carbs 

63 grams of fat ( 3 days a week)


~250 a week of protein

80-100 grams of carbs 

100 grams of fat  (4days a week) 


thanks in advance 







brother, we need to know your body type and your carb sensitivity. These 2 things are key to structuring your macros and your total cals regardless of your goals - cut, gain or recomp. Please provide these details so we can give you better answers that pretain to YOU.



Well-known member


We just need more information so we can provide the best possible advice. What is your current body composition?




New member


Are you on or off? if yes, how your cycle looks like?

I need more info like age, weight, height. height if you can provide in CM will be great.

Training - how many days? aerobics?



New member

Im an ecto i think (I used to be skinny, hard gainer) But now im 225 pounds with a fat % of about 17. 

I currently eat around the 2300-2500 Calories a day. :)



New member

Well my goal is to cut down a bit because my fat% is getting too high in my own opinion. Currently its about 17% and im around 225 pounds weight. 
My goal is around 14% or less, most of my fat is centered around my belly, hams and ass if that makes any difference. 



New member

Currently off, I've never been on yet. 
Im 225 pounds, (about 102,5 kg) and 5'11" (180 cm) 
Im 18 years old.

I work out 3 days a week in the gym

(Friday: Chest, triceps, shoulders, traps

Saturday: Biceps, upper back

Sunday; Legs, lower back, abs)


Then I run HIIT 2 days a week, sometimes 3 for 30 mins. (Sprints, walk, run, sprint, walk, run, sprint.) etc. and sometimes uphill too. I usually end up running about 2.5 - 3.5 KM's
Monday, Wednesday or Tuesday, Thursday

Then every time I work out in the gym I bicycle there which is 3.5 KM two ways which makes 7 KM Combined.



New member

my Diet is pretty much like

10 : Oatmeal OR Eggs with a little bacon.

12: Protein shake and some fruits (Mostly apples, sometimes banana)

15: Shun (High in protein, usually around 9g per 100grams) around 500 grams of Shun. 

19: Dinner; Usually around 300-500 grams of meat, either chicken or beef, Usually 7% fat Beef and just normal chicken breast. 
and something like Pasta, rice or potatoes. (usually around 800-900 Calories per meal)

21.30-22.30: 500 Grams of Shun again. with a little bit of fruit once more.

24 ish; Apple and sleep. 

How does that look?




If you're trying to cut/shred, you need to cut out the carbs a little earlier in the day. Why do you have an apple right before bed there? Thats 24g of sugar (fructose) that will spike your insulin just as you go into bed, no chance to burn it, most likely will be deposited into fat storage. Also that can impact your gh release while sleeping since GH pulses dont function when insulin is running around in your body. Get rid of that apple and replace with a lean protein shake mix with water, zero carb.

Pasta & Potatoes at 19:00 is a little late for these complex carbs UNLESS you are working out before or after this meal. Repalce it with something light like spinach or green beans or broccoli. Move the pasta/sweet potato to lunch time earlier in the day or around your workout time.

I dont know what Shun is, but you sure is having alot of it! Is it Tofu or Soy or something? Stick with high quality protein categories - ground turkey breast, tuna, eggs, lean steaks, chicken,...

Too much fruits in your diet for cutting, if you are bulking it would be fine, but cutting, thats just too much fructose all through the day.

Are you doing any Supplements to help with your metabolism and boost fat metabolism?


Final note, as an excerise, use a Macro tracker app or simply write down EVERYTHING you ingest for a week with F/C/P breakdown. In the end of everyday analyze your macros and see where you sit % wise in F/C/P as net for the day. This is critical for you for logging purposes and to be able to go back and tweak your meals to reach your desired macro %.



New member

Google translate didnt work, I guess it doesnt exist in other areas of the world.
But basically its yogurt, but a little thicker, with more protein. 
Its like this per 100 grams;

10 g of protein
0,2g fat
4,2g carbs
0,13g salt

Isnt that "OK" instead of lets say oatmeal or something like that? 




so its like cottage cheese basically, some kind of Dairy based protein?

4.2g carbs mostly sugar or ?

Why you comparing a protein source with a carb source (oatmeal) brother? These are 2 different food groups working completely diff in your body. Check my recommendations above, you'll find great nuggets to apply in your diet and see results fast brother. Let me know if you have any other questions.




+2 sam...

So many people don't realize that fruit isn't always a good selection of a macro. Fruits and fruit juices are packed full of sugar, and counter productive in a cut. Veggies are more nutritious and a better macro option.




When trying to cut bf you need to raise protein consumption and lower carbs. Stay away from sugers unless it's immediately post workout. A glucose type suger is best for spiking insulin and replenishing glycogen stores.




correct, its a v common misunderstanding. Just the idea of "fruits" makes people think its super healthy, and can be ingested anytime without a problem. 

Another misconception is eating salads all day and drenching the salads in fruity sugary fatty salad dressings!




The salad deal fucking urks me. Order or make a low cal salad, but drench it in half a bottle of ranch?
