Just starting


New member

Well. I've made the jump. Turned 40 and I am ready to push it to the next level. Labs were ok. Seem healthy. 

Before I start I wanted to lose as much BF as possible. So I am doing a Clen cycle. I want the work to show when I start. I hope in 4-5 weeks!  Wish me luck!



New member

Don't use the Clen, you can get where you want to be with diet and cardio. 

How is your training, cardio and diet right now?




What are your stats? Goals  Other than lose fat? hi f you want to lose as much bofyfat as you can, like Ermahgerd said, cardio and diet can get you there. What's your training regimen like? We aren't going to say yeah, run along and cycle clen without knowing your stats. But nothing BEATS A CLEAN DIET AND CARDIO! 




Jumpin on gear will help.....  But if you wanting to lose bf, I'd watch diet, and do a lot of cardio. Welcome......




Tap some ass a couple times a day and that's some good cardio......



New member

Thanks everyone!  Stats are as follows. 

190lbs. 5'10". 

Been working out pretty vigorously for 5 years. 

Bench is basic. At 225. DL are at 315. And squats at 225. 

I do cardio 2 to 3 times a week. But only steep and slow.   

Goals  just over all strength and size. But not just huge  quality size 

Mum planning on a cycle. But still learning and haven't jumped in that deep yet. 



New member

There's plenty of great info and people here to help you get a successfull first cycle going :) Read a bit, talk to some people and post up a proposed cycle. Be specific as possible about everything so we can help :)
