Kinda new to the forum


New member

Ive been a member for a year and haven't really participated. Kind of got called out on it from Strong the other day so figured I would give it a shot. Ive been training a long time and using gear off and on  since 79 or 80. I'm really wanting to up things the next few years to see where I vcan end up. I think neglecting my legs the way I have and weak point training are going to yield me gains even though I'm in my fifties. Things have changed a lot so I look forward to learning some new stuff with the knowledge I have of what works well with my body. I'm not going to argue or get competitive on this site. I did all that b.s on eroids and got a ton of free stuff and a lot of stress. I think bodybuilding is the hardest greatest sport there is because on any level you really only compete against yourself.




Glad to have you around. We try to keep the arguing back and forth to none here. The mods have no problem banning for that sort of thing. It pleases me that you have decided to participate more. The more the merrier. It's good to have varying levels of knowledge because it makes each cycle experience more unique and individualized. Especially considering sides because they aren't the same for each person! 





You will find some really great insite to questions you have if you are active . the more you are posting the more respect you will get. Thanks for conning to a great community.




welcome ,Coleman

I'm sure you will find your very comfortable here ...there is no ,bickering and bashing here ...not to be confused with healthy. Debate .....
