Kool kids


New member

This will be my 1st forum topic for MG so here it is.

Went in to the gym earlier to work on my drumsticks preworkout down the hatch and some tne and I was ready. No sooner than I had arrived this kid,let's call him "tommy" was in the squat rack getting it in. Tommy is a young guy started at the gym about a year ago and has made great strides towards progress. He was overweight and out of shape but he's a dedicated kid.

They have this group of kids (young 20 something )who all think they are what's happening.  Big white sunglasses and neon clothes lookin like a peacock in heat. So as tommy is sweating and doing his thing one of these Kool dudes approached me and said "hey man were takin bets on how long before he snaps his shit up". So I look over and Tommy is struggling bar across is neck and pushing with his back horrible form. So I said yeah man he's got it all wrong but what even worse is that you douche bags are waiting for him to hurt himself and not offer any help.

So I went over to "tommy" got him squared away and told him that all those guys were laughing at him. He was pretty upset about then I asked why he wants to do this,his reply " I'm doing this for me and no one else" what a great answer. So I told him if he was up to I would train him and get his nutrition game Goin (I'm no expert but know a Lil something ). This kid smiled from ear to ear and said he'll yes man!. So from this day forward I'm gonna dump my time into this kid and get him right,that's if he follows through and he seems determined 

I want the "Kool kids to see the progress in a year so they realize what hard work,nutrition and dedication looks like instead of walkin around with your chest puffed out and curling the ez bar into oblivion 4 times a week.

Rant over ...lol.....had to get that off my chest and sorry for such a long post fellas




We all had to start somewhere brotha! Those fucks are the type that probably never work legs, and only use the squat rack to do curls. Those are the guys I like to follow behind and warm up with their last working set. Tell Tommy to keep his chin up and keep striving to reach his goals!




Good story rougarou, thanks for sharing. You should have yelled "Look, a hot female peacock" and as kool kid turned to look you should have punched him in the throat. That's how you make a statement.




I loved that story Ragarou. You see, its people like u that the world needs more of. everyone on this page is happy for Tommy and fuckin hates the jerk offs that are making fun of him. That is why I am still here. I will Clarify my HATE for people... The people on this thread are people I love. Confident MEN that don't have to make fun of other peoples short comings..  The people I hate are the faggots making fun of him... I like to come along all big and intimidating and just a general douchebag when I see people bullying others and just fucking abuse those assholes and make them my Bitches.... Thanks Rags for the story and keep helping others....




×2. Think there better than someone , trust me I caught many of cases protecting the quite guy :)) and ill do it agion just smarter 



New member

Very good story and much respect to you brother for stepping  up for someone in need. Two thumbs up bro.
