Labs are In


New member

Ok guys got BW done my cycle is coming to an end and I've been feeling rask lethargic past few weeks and had a lil gyno issues I'm all fixed up now though. I think pre/mid/post cycle labs are critical because you never really know what's going on inside your body without them. You can just b 1 tough SOB and pull your labs and find out somethings fucked up its pretty serious considering your altering your natural hormones some people bodies aren't meant for the amount of stress and shutdown that AAS do. Well anyways labs came in estradiol wasn't that bad. Noticed my LH and FSH were pretty low I believe that's from the Deca. Also my Ast and Alt wasn't to sure about that one, compared to my previous labs they increased a bit not taking any orals besides the arimidex and caber probably ask my doc what he thinks on that one could. Currently my 5th cycle 600mgs Test E 400mgs Deca Caber Adex and Provi. Anybody wanna chime in appreciate the input or your own personal experiences you've had or learned from previous blood work. THANKS 




+2 tryharder! You should post a pic of your labs and let everyone check them out. 




ItryHarder, like Dolf said, you might want to post the labs and be sure to remove all your personal info 1st.

What was your Thyroid numbers? TSH , T3 , T4 ?

The FSH, LH are always suppressed when doing AAS even and especially when you run T base on-cycle. FSH & LH are part of your HPTA which is suppressed on-cycle. Once you finish PCT , do blood draw, and if PCT was done properly and adequately you should see FSH & LH elevated back to normal.



New member

Yeah I plan on getting bw six weeks after my last pin after I complete my pct. Thanks for passing some knowledge my way appreciate it.




6 weeks of PCT is great. If you want to share you PCT regimn, the gurus here will sure pitch in with suggestions from experience. nothing to loose with that option :)

looking forward to seeing your labs brother.



New member

Deca sucks as far as recovery goes, I will usually run my test e two weeks longer and then go into a 4 week test prop taper. That gives the deca a good 6 weeks to clear and for me it's an easier transition into pct.

How much adex, Provi and caber you run on cycle? As far as the elevated liver enzymes, that can sometimes be a side effect of caber.




Not true, Caber has little or no effect on liver enzymes there have been lots of controlled studies on this and  No significant differences were observed in the level of ALT and AST enzymes between cases and control groups.



New member

I suppose I should re phrase that. In normal healthy people with normal liver function, caber should not be much of an issue, if any at all.

But we don't know what his specific situation is, or where his liver values are at. If there already was a problem with his liver values and/or undiagnosed medical disorder, caber can absolutely impact your liver negatively. In extreme cases it has been related to liver failure and death.

Almost anything that  gets metabolized through the liver can have an effect, even arimidex. It's true the odds are small and the liver is quite resilient but these side effects can happen, no matter if it's 1% or 90% of the population who experience it. Every possibility should be explored. 

I do appreciate your response, it helped me be more specific about what I meant.

Also, if you have links to these studies on hand please share so we can all learn :)



New member

In a healthy person, i doubt it would be a concern. However I'm not sure how it would affect someone over the long term, like years and years. Youll be fine bro, as long as you don't got hep c or nuthin;-P




lol well, glad you mentioned it, i am getting labs next week and will keep an eye on liver enzymes which i typically do, but will keep it in the back of my mind.



New member

I'm pretty gyno sensitive so I run my adex at 1mg eod it put me close to the low end of e2, and the caber at .5 e3d. As for the provi I started taking 50mgs ed weekly 4-16. I take alot of pre-workout and creatine in normally these could probably effect it along with the amount of red meat I eat I believe. But q month before this cycle had a checkup/physical with my doc gt bloods done my ast/alt and creatinine along with my hematocrit are the only things that are significantly higher. Thanks for the input bro appreciate it.
