Lady Var



Well I just think its funny if some young kid or out of shape guy came on here asking about running a cycle guys would be like no dont mess with gear. Those same guys putting their wives on cycles.....


I dont care what the circumstance if you are smart enough to run gear and accept the consequences then be my guest But if you come on here asking really stupid questions and your 19 then I may flame you....but if you did your research I consider them grown men so make your choice just be prepared for what ever could go wrong....


Like I said my wife has over 20 years experience training, and chose to put herself on cycle. She's a big girl and makes her own decisions.


New member
Good to know also! Just goes to show you can never do enough reading! I really only research the compounds I use or wanna use!


Like legit var; primo is gonna cost out the ass. $110 or more for 100mg per ml in a 10ml vial.


New member
A lot of women run a small amount of Prop. A lot of women run Var. In fact if you look around a lot of labs make lady Var now. Also HGH will do wonders for the ladies also !


I've read females can use prop at 50mg e4d. Right now my wife is on 10mg var ed and 25mg stanozolol injected e3d. No sides and she's loving it.


NPP is a good choice for them being the anabolic/androgenic ratio is 125/37


I've seen that too d_t. Just hadn't done much research on it because the old lady is not really interested in those type compounds as of now. I think milkin talked about it in the female section here on MG.


she is just running winny at 15mg ED and is gonna run that for 4 weeks then throw in the var at 20mg ED with the winny....Var is an awesome compound and gives a much fuller look when my wife runs it....and just as your wife is constantly hit up at the gym people asking if she is a trainer what not so she decided to go for NASM


New member
My wife is on var and I am the one who recommended it to big stick when he asked me about it. I'm very glad to see him go the extra step and ask the board for their opinion. I was more than happy to get my wife on a cycle. She is not to young nor out of shape at all. Just wanted something to kick it up just a few notches. She's now on var and primo cycle. She does not look manly at all she is getting very lean and putting on some muscle. Her main focus is her rear end of course. She may or may not ever compete but just like the rest of us, women want to get that edge to look better than the "norm" and I'm all for that as long as it's an educated decision. And she does happen to be a member on here as well the beautiful MRS KFIZZLE. Like I said big stick hit up that overseas lab and get the good shit! Your wife will love the strength and lean muscle increase.


I've also hit you up for advice on my wife and cycles. You were very helpful and i appreciate it kfizzle.


New member
I think the var at 10mg (assuming its not underdosed) is spot on for the advise given. My wife wants to start on something too and I was thinking the same thing for her.


New member
+1 kfizzle, I placed the order last night from where we talked about! Thanks for the input, I'll let you know how she likes it!