Laying a foundation


New member

so many users have a very basic understanding of what to eat let alone how much to eat according to their BMR and body types. 

Heres a tool to establish a approximate baseline


Here is a neat tool to establish what your body type is and find some workout programs for you

Here is a great comprehensive link to macronutrients and what the each do

Here is another list of some of the best superfoods this planet has to offer. Clean proteins complex carbs and healthy fats and antioxidants to keep the body in a state of homeostasis

The trick to dieting is programming the mind through repetition and consistency. Day after day and meal after meal a person needs to have a goal and purpose. The reasons behind our normal day to day decisions are all mostly contingent on our "why" our "purpose". So why would it be any different with dieting? In truth it isn't. Our "why" is the first step into reprogramming our mentality. Visualizing our goals every day, every time we close our eyes visualize the "YOU" that you want to become. Every time you pose in the mirror visualize the progress and the transformation. Connect the mind to the body. Sounds a bit cheesy right? A lil too Cliché?

Well trust me it comes from the same place as mind to muscle connection. Ever heard Arnold talk about that connection? Every true bodybuilder has either had that or currently has it or is searching for that connection. It's what our favorite Black Ninja Bruce Leroy from "The Last Dragon" calls the glow. Total homeostasis of mind and body and soul. 

Dieting is the cornerstone of this connection IMO. It is the pivot joint in which our journey is hinged. Some folks joke about that they eat anything and everything the want because of good genetics. Well folks that aren't blessed like that cannot afford to be so cavalier. People like me need laser focus and the personal accountability to take on my family genetics and conquer it. 

I'm not a diet expert and can't speak to the actual science of macronutrients but I'd love to see this topic become more of a focus as true growth lives and dies in the KITCHEN! 



New member

I know this belongs in the diet section but not sure how often that forum gets visited and what the total traffic level is. Mods Please move topic if needed. Thanks




+1 This is information that will change a physique,more than swapping out a compound LoL


I am the 1

New member

I'm not a real fan of bmi. I think there is more to it than just weight. Several years ago I had mine done at work at some health care thing. It said I was obese. I had a six pack with a 9%BF. All the nurses agreed I wasn't obese. Every since then I don't agree with anybody doing bmi.



New member

I agree the BMI is misguided some. The BMR is your basic metabolic rate which can be used as a general starting point for those folks who are beginning their journey. Find  out your basic caloric needs then add 500 clean calories at a time until you find out your true BMR based on your current physical condition. If you are still losing weight or just maintaining you can then adjust your caloric needs based on your desired goals. It's just a simple starting point not a magic number. People still need to play around with their Calories and Macros to fine tune any specific diet for a specific goal




General Chat is on fire thank you GS for your post ...
