Leg day


New member

Started working with a trainer /competition  coach about a month ago and he has been feeling me out to see where I'm at well today was the first hardcover leg day with him and  holy crap ass to grass squats  10 set of 6 30 sec recovery  time between with a start at 225 and end at 335  so I have to say he made me throw up . Then off to vertical leg press,  quad extinction  and ham curls and finish it off with a ss of straight leg and calf raise  . Will tell you this could barely  walk out and to top it all off did a quad shot 2 days ago and way lumped up of what we put our selves  through.




I always say if you're not dry heaving wanting to puke after leg day you didn't work your legs.




Yup dolf is right  when I used to power lift by the time we got done with legs I was gagging like a maggot on a gut truck  try some car pushes I had a love hate relationship with them .... I loved to hate them




good shit Wes...your going for beast mode. I'm.right behind you !!! I'm in my head.big big time lately. ... And. I have been going through the motions ,and maintaing. But honestly I been out of prison.4 years. And I haven't worked out a real day yet ... And I know.it. But I want to thank you for.posting. Your amping me up just like K_P did posting up that diesel ass pic ....

ill be 100% honest. I dont need no AAS , to get there either !!!!! I know what I'm capable of with out. But that's training like a fucking beast. And I 1.5-2 month I'm ready. Yes my shoulder shot but I can make my chest with db and pec. Fucking shine I already have it.

like I said I can do this natty and by pass all. but no. I'm getting my cycle together now...



New member

It's all about beast mode I'm trying to compete next year in middle weight class hence the trainer / competition  coach.  We can all do it with out aas but once you hit our age it just help with  recovery  time .Sorry to hear about shoulder  seig that sucks have you tried hammer strength  machines,  when my shoulder ache I use them and it helps to where I can move weight with out worry of stablezation. Keep that head up bro and go balls to the wall always
