Length of Test C cycle.



Thank you sincerely brother!! Thisbis what makes MG awesome is at the end of the day we're all who we are, broken & imperfect, but we're family. I'm glad you're here & look forward to getting to you. Feel free to message me anytime! +2




My brother Strong, thank you for conducting yourself in a respectful & understanding way.  You reap what ya sow brother & may I encourage you to keep sowing that good brother.  




Jar, As i stated, I'm an open book. You have helped me in a way that not many can. I watch the way you, Dolf, cheezy and others conduct themselves under pressure situations and i was looking at how i do it. My way is wrong. My way lands me in prison. You guys get your point across and move forward. You already know how i feel about you... Tomorrow Bro...... EAGLE.........




Being able to see our faults is not the answer, we have to see our faults & find how to fix them. You're doing good at both brother.  I have seen a change in you brother & for the good! 

Yes sir.... Eagle bro!! :):)



New member

Same to u guys. I'll try to be more active during the summer but come fall n winter not so much. Just the nature of the beast for me 




That's cool brother..... Just stop in say hello every now & then & definitely expect a pm from JARHEAD every now & then to just check on ya!



New member

I hear ya. I was in a shitty position for some years n a lot had to do with my job as well as other factors n because of how I handled it, or didn't handle it, I lost the love of my life, my wife left me. Ironic thing is now that the smoke has cleared n so has my head she saw this coming. She begged n pleaded n tried but I didn't see it. N everything she said I can now see n understand n know that she was right all along. She only wanted the best for me, for us, n was only telling me shit out of love. I finally reached out to her n apologized for everything n told her I get it now. I get it all. But unfortunately a day late n a dollar short. She moved on n is doing great n I'm just filled with deep regret of a life I once had, could of still had. Switched where I work but the job is still the same, just not as bad, but I'm continuing to try n be the man she was trying to get me to be. The man she met. It's taking some time getting back to that place but there will always be one thing missing when I get there. Her. So ya I got a lot of work to do too. I feel ya. 
