
New member

 Traveling this week on a small business trip I am at the local gym and some guys get to talking with me, 3 of them.  They get to joking around about cycles and other stuff.  Once gets brave and asked me what I would suggest for PCT for his  Test,Deca cycle.  People I don't know I am a little leary to just engage in conversation.  Long story short they start talking about PCT and I was shocked.  They all 3 had Letro on there normal PCT schedule.  I couldn't help myself so I chimed in.  I explained to them that Letro is kinda a last option deal.  Letro is some strong shit.  IMO unless you have some large lumps or are lactating that is the only time I would suggest it.  Before I really had a good ideal what AI was , (back before internet lol)  I have had to get on Letro twice and my feller wouldn't come out to play for weeks after I stopped.   Of course these guy I was talking have never owned a AI before.   I left kinda wide eyed wondering how many people actually use Letro as a normal PCT choice. Most are aware that Letro is should not be a common option.   There may be a reason for it that I am not aware of but I am sharing this story to maybe shed some light of when the breaking point of when Letro is actually a option?   IMO , my simple analogy is you have to have some painful lumps around you nips before considering Letro, of course this is caused by not having proper AI during cycle.  What you think bros?




IMO letro is a break glass in case of emergency type ai. Its a shame how free advice and guidance through review sites is readily available, and these guys are running fucked up cycles and pct protocols like this.



New member

It is crazy to hear stuff like this in today's Internet age. How can somebody be willing to play Russian roulette with their own bodies without doing research especially when it is easy as 1-2-3 But just like axle's experience, I hear crazy crap like this in my gym as well and tend to keep my mouth shut as well. I want to help but at the same time, these folks are lazy enough to not spend 20 minutes of their day to look a couple of things up before pumping bodies full of hormones. I would rather help someone who is actually seeking for it. Just my 2 cents




its very crazy that in this day and age information is as easy as Google But still there are multiple people that don't reseach.  They go off what bob at the barber shop said to do. Lol.       



New member

Honestly this story is exactly why MG is here. It's why members testimonials are crucial and our research should be shared. 

I've had a lot time vested in researching aas related topics. I've also had enough of my own experience to get to the point where it's no longer just about me. we must all have an internal compulsion to share and debate and ponder amongst like minded folks if we care to succeed at all. It's not just a game. It's not just a hobbie. It's a passion. 

Its only when we individually get to the point where it's a passion I think a trigger is set and members post freely. We shouldn't chase away the inexperienced or immature. Who are we? Why are we here. If it's knowledge you seek MG can deliver. If it's to share and inform MG is the platform. 

I hate hearing stories like his because I wish I still had a working HPTA. I'd give anything....well almost anything to not be a slave to my trt. To be able to trade my hpta for those cats in your story. Fuck if only bro.....





The sad thing GS is it brings truth to the saying you have to be young and crazy to be old and wise. If only we could go back in time with the knowledge of life we have now. 

I agree too that we must make MG a platform where everyone feels welcomed regardless of experience. Chasing members away due to maturity or experience is unacceptable. Rather we should put our arm around these guys and become mentors because these are the individuals who will be leading the way 10 years from now. Changing the mean girl and pack mentality of current review sites is a tall order, but the more members we get with this mentality will help change the culture. This is one of the many reasons MG was created and launched.
