Lets open up here - It's time we talked


New member

Well it can not be more apparent that we reside in a cyber community that has many members willing to help others. I have not bumped chests with anyone here so to me that's a indication that egos have been checked at the door. Go to another site and see how quickly you will get ridiculed for asking a question. "Do your F+++King research looser" seems to be the most popular response out there. 

Learning how to research is key in just about anything you want to achieve in life but with so much conflicting findings it is very easy to loose your train of thought. Research " anabolic steroid cycle" and watch your head spin. It is then you turn to real life people for advice. To this day I still research my next cycle even though I have ran it plenty of times. Why ? Because there is always room for improvement and your mind should always be thinking that. Members leaving information for others care and their info should be factored in with what you have already researched along with others input.

Anyway i was going to write a nice forum here in the newbie section on serms and AI's but I realized that it would only be redundant info because there is a boat load of info right here. https://musclegurus.to/forum/anabolic-steroids/post-cycle-therapy

If you haven't look through the forums then you have no idea what you are missing. http://musclegurus.to/forum

So i figured why not just make a blog to break the ice and get some questions flowing.




Ok I'am in on this this could be beneficial. Well 3rd_L a good first cycle should always consist of testosterone and only testosterone. Why ? Well since just about every cycle has testosterone as a base compound a new user must become very familiar with this compound. What better way to get acclimated then to run it alone. This will give the first time user the opportunity to get familiar with associated sides, plus to introduce a AI and get familiar with that protocol as well. A good starting point is 1ml x2/week. That a modest 4OOmg/week.

I hope we get to pct topic soon :)




Excellent post and topic. I'm game too!

First cycles are the best and most important cycle any aas user will run. Test E or C at 500mg per week (250mg twice a week) for 12 weeks. I also feel it gives the user a chance to see how their body feels and responds to test being that it's the #1 compound in every cycle. I also like to see guys get pill form preferably pharmacy grade ai's in aro and adex, but don't use it but rather keep it on hand to see how estro sensitive they are.



New member

there is another part of cycling aas that is quite possibly the most important part of the whole game. This key piece is known as PCT ( Post Cycle Therapy) and is the final step in your cycle. The outside hormones that you will be injecting into your body tells your HPTA (Hypothalamic Pituitary Testicular-Axis) to stop producing testosterone , this long word is the name given to the system of organs that regulate male testosterone production. So what we want to do after our cycle is get that HPTA cranked up again! There are drugs that help to do this and are widely accepted as protocol for PCT, they are nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate) and clomiphene (clomid). These are taking for several weeks after cycle to help kickstart natural testoterone production once again, so you can be in good health and keep those gains you just worked for =).




Diet is key too. You need to eat to grow and if you think the juice is a magical potion that will turn you into Ronnie Coleman then you need to lay off the acid. AAS help in the recovery of damaged muscle fibers that occur when you overload a Particular muscle. Running steroids without proper training and nutrition is a loosing proposition and will get you nowhere. 



New member

do u think that i could run on aas with the CKD diet ?

If my goal is to bulk some muscles (Like a clean bulk) I'm very carb sensitive  
