limp with pip..


New member

So I started my cycle, I'm running test prop decca and test enanthate 500mg. I pinned the decca and pr op no problems. I pinned my quad on Monday and woke up with the worst pip I've ever experienced.  The pain has not subsided in fact I dare say the area effected has gotten larger. I'm always super sterile and have pinned my quads numerous times. I've had pip before on cycles,but never lasted more than 2 days. Just wondering everyone's thought. On how many days to let it go or should I go to dr. Anyone else experience the kind of pip that makes you walk with a limp? The enanthate was 500mg but I only pinned 250mg. Thinking I should trash the enanthate and go different the way. Happy turkey day to all of MG.



I am the 1

New member

I had that same proble. I ended up pining my glutes instead of my quads and that work out better little bit. It still hurts but I can deal with it a tad bit more.



New member

you didn't inject deep enough into the muscle belly and some of the oil came back up and went subq. This happens to me sometimes when I go right quad or left delt, I am not always sure why though. Currently my right quad has a large red area  and had a little easter egg there which has now subsided. The main concern would be if you start to run a fever or you see streaks in the red area. When this happens to me it always gets nice and warm and the red does spread for a few days. I also do walk with a limp when it happens. Hot baths and alternating ice packs are very helpful as well as anti-inflammatories. 



New member

Typical Post Injection Pain will start to subside after 72 hours.  This is not certain however, but a basic guideline.  If after 72 hours the pain keeps worsening and the firm area turns spongy, and leaves impression when you press on it...that is a sign of infection.  500mg/ml oil is expected to hurt.  Grab some sterile GSO to cut it with to reduce the PIP...I wouldn't necessarily throw it out, pain is expected....and 99 out of 100 times is not infection, but PIP... .however, you do want to make sure this is not the 1 time.

I will say I have sweated many pins and feared the worse...not 1 ended in infection.  Take it seriously and watch it, but don't worry at this point.  Being red, warm, and firm is normal for high mg gear.....even if you only pin 1/2 ml.




x2, Whats ur history bro? I have a tough time with quads but I pin them. you can have 20 good injections and 1 bad one. I have been pinning quads a while now and every once in a while it goes wrong. 3 weeks ago I pinned my left quad and boy did it go wrong. I had trouble walking, it killed and my knee blew up.. 3 days later I was fine. I wouldn't be too concerned about red or warmth.. I had great results with compression icing.  Good luck bro but I do wanna know ur quad pinning history..



New member

exactly 1 out of 20 will go wrong and my knee swelled up as well hurt like a mother but it ain't no thing but a chicken wing in the scheme of things 




brother ,

your running high mg gear ...honestly that's the main reason ..high mg gear got alot more solvents to hold it ....aybe a bad inject on top of it couldn't pay me to run high mg gear .id rather pin 2x then run that




The last time I had some 500mg gear to run I found I could cut it with just about any other  mg oil and be fine. Even prop 100mg was fine to cut it with 50/50



New member

Nice. Thanx for all the feedback brothers. I really appreciate it. Im going to try cutting it with my prop. And yea Sieg I agree I'd rather pin twice than run the high gear. I'm sure this is gonna be my last high mg gear I'll run. I'm ok with a lil pain for the gain but not something that cripples me lol. Thanx again
