Long intro and discourse about balls!


New member

Hi Everyone.  This forum is amazing.  So much better--and friendlier info than other boards. Thought I better introduce myself.  I'm 47, back on the west coast after a few years in Chicago--went back to school to get a degree in Bio and Chem. 

So here is the long story, continue at your own risk.  I'm adding this as I'm sure there are others here doing their own HRT

I've never been able to put on muscle.  About 7 years ago, I was diagnosed with testicular cancer ( I'm fine now after having one removed and radiation therapy).  After that, I'd have my hormones checked now and then and they'd always be in the toilet....200 or less.   After years of going back and forth with doctors, I found one that put me on Clomid ( 50 mg EOD).  Worked great for 6 months.  I started going to the gym and seeing results for the first time in my life ( yeah, balls were probably never doing a good job) and got my test levels up to 400.  But after 6 months of gains (117 to 130 Lb-- yeah, I'm shrimpy), strength started dropping and body fat increased, despite rigorous effort in the gym.  Had test measured again..100!  The doctor, still reluctant to put me on test replacement, had me continue with the Clomid for another 6 months while things continued to decline. By this time my patience had worn out and I decided to do my own program. Ironically, my doctor finally gave my a script for Cyp as my first order arrived.

I've been learning a lot from boards and working out about 5x week for a few years now.  By all practical purposes, a shouldn't be messing around with anything other than test. I'm not a contest or strength athlete. Yet, as a science major, I like to experiment and see what's possible.  It's not like I have to worry about getting shut down!  Oh, and did I mention that I'm vegan...I need all the help I can get---not just to build muscle, but to keep from becoming a new-age wussie!  Ahh, better living through chemistry.  Strength, libido, positive aggression, and energy are better than ever.

Thanks for making this forum so great.  Rock on brothers.





Welcome bro I enjoyed the intro , didnt think you were going to hear that :)?? But I did feels like I know something about you , which makes it alot eaiser to give advice , and WELCOME what your actual cycle history look like , ?? And welcome agion




Welcome Eriq, we are glad you are here. You have come to the right place for your research and your own personal feedback is welcome. Your statement below shows you are approaching your journey with caution, well done. +1 for your intro.

"By all practical purposes, a shouldn't be messing around with anything other than test. I'm not a contest or strength athlete"




We are a REAL Brotherhood here welcome we have each others back so jump in. Be active climb the ranks through contribution and knowledge Glad  to have you and here to help =)




Yeah D_T is the resident bouncer. He is like the lifeguard perched up in that stand with an umbrella sipping a smoothie. I thought I saw a broad or two up in that stand with him. Anyone steps out of line and D_T is all over them. He has got your back for sure.



New member

You finally gave your intro :) It nice to actually get to now more about people that you have dealt with on a professional level, Now that you are a part of the brotherhood we can talk more on a brother or friend level. This forum is a wealth of knowledge and the people here will have your back give you all the help you will ever need.




New member

Vegan eh ?  oooohf thats a lot of beans to get your protein !!  Were you vegan after your diagnosis or before ?

Anyhoo  welcome, glad you signed on. 



New member
Wow, nice intro. That must have been a lot to go through but seems like things are looking up now!

Edit: Thanks for posting your experience on Clomid. For me, this suggests that SERM treatment may not be effective for long-term use as the body adapts to the drug. (Atleast for some people)