Measuring body fat

Turning 40

Active member

Hi Guys,

How are you measuring body fat? When I decided to get myself in slightly better shape I bought one of these bathroom scales that measure bf by sending a small current up one leg and down the other. It seems to work as a guide, but wouldn't trust much beyond that.

Maybe I'm just pissed off - last night it said I was 26% bf - so clearly it's broken!!




Your not 26% fat :) They sell calipers from $4 to $25. They come with instructions on how and where to take measurements. In the army they measured your belly, arm, and neck. Then used a mathematical formula to calculate bf%. Not as accurate as calipers, but pretty close. I'm sure you can find how to do it on the interwebs :)




Calipers are best I had a scale like that it depends on how much hydrated u are the more water the more u conduct electricity the more accurate  it seemed fairly close to the calipers for me but it depends on how u entered your stats to



New member

Calipers are cheap , like 3-5 bucks and do a pretty good job. Far better than almost any other method except a hydro tank.  Most on line nutritional shops sell them



New member

I also used the scale type and it always comes out over 25% even recently when I look under 20%. Doesn't matter if I'm hydrated or not. Comparing to those around 25%, I am definitely less. Will have to get calipers as well.
