Melatonin anyone ?


New member

A lot of you guys taking this stuff may want to reconsider. Recently a friend of mine was having all sorts of problems, lack of motivation, desire in bed, just general malaise . He was thinking just about everthing and started playing with proviron, aromasin, different esters of test and so on. This lasted for about a month, then one day I got to talking to him and he just by accident mentioned he was using melatonin to sleep.  Bingo, right there with that I was like " WHAT DID YOU SAY ?" , and told him to get off the melatonin right away. Within 3 days he started to feel much better. 

  Did you know that women can attempt to use melatonin as  birth control ? Yes thats right because it causes such a rise in estrogen !!!Another problem with men is it can cause gynocomastia !!

   Scrap the melatonin for now




For women though melatonin helps prevent breast cancer. Women who have breast cancer have low melatonin levels and their pineal gland is calcified. Most people who suffer side affects from melatonin are probably using high doses for extended periods of time. 0.3 mg is all that's needed to induce sleep. Most pills come in 1, 3, 5, & 10mg pills. A bit of overkill by producers. Cycling on and off is a good idea too. Once again imo itvalways comes back to using everything in moderation. I've said this before, but drinking too much water can kill you with water poisoning. 




melatontin 2 ?   I use it quite regularly before summer to increase darkness while tanning, plus it gives off a nice boner.   Same side effect?



New member

no silly you were injecting melanotan playing off the word melanin which gives our skin pigment  , this is melatonin a hormone that tells our body its night time.




so I had a duMbass moment.  I replied before I read through everything.  




That's no shit. Like a really strong preworkout says one scoop and you put 5 scoops. Then wonder why you feel like you want to have a heart attack lol



New member

melatonin is a hormone secreted by the brain to make us sleep 

Melanotan II is a peptide that helps you get tan and get big boners. The word melan-o-tan is derived from the word melanin a pigment in our skin which black people have more of thus giving them darker skin .
