methyl tren and mibolerone, in a preworkout blend




Guys I ordered some caber and provi from a domestic reseller of India steroids and got a sample vial of a preworkout blend

oil base pre-workout

-Testosterone base 100mg

-Trenbolone base 50mg

-Metribolone 1000mcg

-Miblerone 500mcg


I've never used tren base, or test base, much less the injectable cheque drops or methyl tren.

What exactly would this be good for? just a little boost during the workout? 

Would you fuck with this blend, even at a small dose?

I know that the miblerone is supposed to be liver toxic in oral, but is it still bad as an injectable?

I also got some sample amps of ephedrine that I dont know what I'll do with



Well-known member

I have no experience with this blend. It would be used for training intensity and aggression.

Cheque Drops are pretty scary when you read the side effects potential. Because of the possibility of progestin issues I would carefully consider before combining with Tren. From what I read the anabolic potential of it is rarely ever seen although the aggression increase is very real. 500mcg is a large dose.

Metribolone is a 19-nor as well and is considered a very dangerous steroid.

I would say this pre-workout blend is best left to the very experienced professional and not needed for even the most dedicated gym rat at any dose.





I wish he would have just sent me a sample of something simple.....

What are your thoughts on the injectable ephedrine? 



Well-known member

I am very sensitive to stimulants so I have never taken injectable ephedrine. The pill & liquid form, when it was available over the counter, gave me the shakes so bad I stayed away from it since.





New member

I would use it sparingly. Maybe on "heavy days" or days u feel like crap but gotta get a workout in. I have exp with all those, except for Cheque sum bunk tabs. I like at least an hour prior - try maybe, a half cc to start a few times then bump up. Keep us posted if u try it. I ld like to find that blend..looks wild!



Well-known member

Couldn't you achieve something comparable and safer with a simple base or tne?

I just don't see the need to increase your health risks just because your not "feeling it" that day or need an extra boost on "heavy days". Personally, I don't have heavy or light days. Every day is all or nothing.

Be safe my friends!





The aggression that cheque drops give is very real. It's rumored that's what Mike Tyson was taking before the fight he bit Holyfields ear off. It's also rumored that many mma fighters take it before they battle in the ring.

If it were me burrr and knowing you like I do I'd toss it or give it to a very experienced friend who might want it especially since you haven't even tried test base/tne or tren base.
