MG brother/sisterhood.


Who are you ? Who am I ? Who is anybody here on Muscle Guru's ? Well unless you have a bro/sister that is also a member on the site we all have no idea who anybody is right ? Well then again there is that brother/sister hood thing. You know, that bond that is formed via social networking over time. Whether one realizes it or now, we all grow to know each other through the forum and while some may become best buds, others may not be all that cozy with each other. We are however part of a community, a commuinity where we are allowed to speak freely without getting bitch slapped, flamed, or karma fuc**d by those who sport a higher ranking badge or with higher karma. This is what we have preached from day one and as we look through the past history, we see that those who have been reprimanded more than deserved what they have gotten.

There have been recent octagon matches amungst members and we ask that those who elect to throw down with another, you do so via pm or created an octagon forum and rip each others faces off in there. It is not fair to throw down in another members forum since they come for Q&A and not to see who's chest sticks out the furthest. Sure debates are normal and bring out many different angles to look at something, but it is out right insulting another members opinion is wrong. This goes beyond debating a point
Just wanted to reiterate what we are about here guys and hope everyone gives the respect that they receive from us. We try very hard to get the whole "Respect point" across and while some of you may question why we let certain matters run there course, there are some of you that see our logic. We will remain a respectful honest review site and will not sacrifice our integrity just to gain more members. I will say though that most of your are respectful of each others views and your prsentation does not go unnoticed.


New member
The whole online dynamic is a very interesting thing to ponder. The idea of anonymous virtual friends, the notion of how you actually start to care and worry about someone you have never met , all that goes with it. Then of course something Ive often mentioned which is the art of writing. It is not always easy to write in such a way that conveys the tone you want and it can very easily be taken as the "first shot" if its read wrong. Couple that with being behind a screen and its all to tempting to become rude whereas in real life you probably wouldn't. I think it really takes practice and one of the best things anyone can do is to re read their own post before submitting it.
As a whole however I think those who moderate this forum are doing a great job letting things run their natural course without having things also run wild.


New member
Well said milk! And standing, I always preview before posting, just a good habit to get in! I like this site and have not had a lick of disrespect or have given any!


on the internet because I have read a few things that people say that Would make me chin check them....But on that same token I have probably said some stuff that would get my ass kicked....moral of the story dont be a disagree with someone do it with tact...


Couldnt agree more , and plp , every person has the right to voice a opion , some may agree with it others may not , just because someone does not agree , is no reason to tell them to mind there own bussiness ,.. also I see grown men acting like children , oh you called me a name , but your fat ,, your weak , I get more girls than you my dick is bigger , come on , and attitudes also to much cockiness , by supposedly grown men , have I been guilty yes but im quick to delete post , and put myself in check ,, mg is changing and in my eyes not all for the brtter , its a fucking shame good plp are getting run out by a differnt opion or take , and ill be honest mg is my home im going NOWHERE !!! not as active as I use to be , and until things are in check ill be in the shadows , and the right plp know whatmim talking about. Have a good day gentelmen


I would apologize, but I feel I did nothing wrong. If anyone challenges my manhood and wants to measure dicks then I'm gonna whip it out and lay it on the table. I treat everybody how I want to be treated until you disrespect me. I've seen and done things most people haven't and shouldn't. I'm very humble and meek until pushed too far. The only apology I have is to bash for taking focus away from his problem!


No not personal , dolpf , and im like I said I been guilty od everything above , so im not a hypocrit , like I said im not innocent , so when I look back at my actions how does it make me feel like I feel I acted outm of anger and I had a lack of controll , where I would like to think as my self as better than that .. so maybe my post will , make other plp realize there actions , as I did mine .its kind of like when I was a kid , hurt me I hurt you more ,, so no personal attack ,


Like I said dolp , you owe noone a appolgy , and I never insinuated it , im just voicing my opion and ,nnot directed your way at all , im saying what I been seeing , and not necessarily this incent . I


No no bro, not looking for any apologizes from anyone here just voicing my view on brother/sisterhood bro. For sure most would fire back at an insult.


All i did was do what nobody else here had the personal courage to do. When you have a member tell a newbie don't listen to what anyone else on here has to say because they are gonna just tell you a bunch of dumb shit. Pm me and I'll tell you what to do. I stood up because it was a slap in the face to you, milk, d_t, stand, big, and every other member on MG. If it's flat out disrespectful to the community I'm gonna take the intestinal fortitude to stand up and call you on it. I don't give a fuck if it's Jesus himself on here wbo does it. I instead of taking it like an adult that individual went personal. Nobody here should ever take my kindness for weakness. I've got bad motherfucker written on my wallet. If I'm causing you to stay in the shadows let me know. I'll bolt for the door.


How you say shit brotha you know that lol....lets stop prancing around the bullshit this forum topic was inspired by Nov being a dick and disrespecting most members here with a little shit here and shit there and all of us got sick of it....he is disrespectful and we can dance around the topic but lets call a spade a spade.....He says we give dumb advice that fucking guy has done 1 cycle and he is now a guru who is qualified to call people idiots???why because he can regurgitate information he reads???I can go buy Musclegurus a parrot and teach him the same shit....Dshan your real brotha and super respectful you know I got mad respect for you I stayed out of it because I am sick of his shit and know he gets a kick out of fighting....I hope that dude either comes back with some form of respect of just GTFO....if a newbie listens to that guy about steroid advice they going down a fucked off road....oh and this hypicrite shit going on we tell everyone not to run tren their second cycle but now nov runs tren on his second cycle and everyone gives him a round of applause cmon guys stick to your fucking guns...Me personally I think if you want to run tren and your a man go ahead but if others are gonna preach no tren second cycle then stand by that shit...sorry just venting guys listening to some super heavy music LMAO


I got you , loud and clear dolpf!!! And I see how eaSygoing it is to fire back , you aint the only bad mfer , trust me , so my appolagies because I just came at you , so I guess I see your point