MG community


New member

I just wanted to thank everyone in the MG community for being supportive and extremely helpful unlike the other site that I am apart of. I'm sure you all know who I'm talking about. Thank you all for the help and encouragement instead of being dueschbags and bringing people down thinking you're better than everyone. this community is growing with very professional and helpful people. Thank you mods for all that you do to keep this site running strong and thank the rest of the community for being helpful And encouraging! 




You can always discern the strong from the weak because the strong is always building someone else up instead of tearing them down!! 


JARHEAD2 said:
</p><p>You can always discern the strong from the weak because the strong is always building someone else up instead of tearing them down!! </p><p>
</p><p>I couldn't have said it better myself JAR. That's the philosophy I live by and that's why I love it here on MG. I very rarely go on the other sites I am a part of because the MG family is so Strong. </p>



That's part of being a family! We actually create bonds with each other here. Sometimes tough love has to be displayed for reasons such as safety of the individuals running gear and integrity security of our site... Our home. But bashing is not tolerated under any circumstance. I love the brothers here, when they hurt, I feel their pain, I concern myselfw with their well-being. I rejoice with every gain they achieve and try to motivate them as much as they motivate me!! There is no place like home my man!




You know Swole, ur an excellent member. you're not here every day but you're loyal to MG. Good man.. Hope ur well.



New member

That's why we are all here we want to see every brother and sister succeed in what they are trying to do . What good comes out of trying to make some one fail. NONE.




Glad you're part of the family swole. That's the atmosphere we strive for, and it makes me feel good everytime someone reaffirms it. Building yourself up by trying to tear someone else down is what insecure little boys do. We don't tolerate insecure little boys here!



New member

Thank you all very much again! Your constructive criticism and helpful information is always useful. It always motivates me to hit the gym and continue working hard on my diet. You are all my bros! thank  all again Brothers! 




You Know Dolf, This fine gentleman just thanked me on PM because he was a lurker and I used to try to get him talkin. Good young man trying to become a fireman.. My kind of guy. Walking into danger when everyone else is running scared. That Really made me feel good. I understand now. if you can help only 1 out of 100 its worth it...




+2 swole ,you alright I know ,I get around , but totaly different setting here , each site has a personality ,so i won't go bashing any other ,I belong to a few ,but I'm there to. Talk to a few real good ppl.. This is home and me and the personality I like ....your at home here ,be you





That's why he's drawn to mg. Insecure little boys can't be firemen. 

No doubt strong...if you can help 1 out of a 100 it's well worth the effort. Sometimes a few good words can go a long way. 




+1 for the Avi Swole,  You asked " What can I do to be productive"  just be here. Thanks for being respectful and putting an avi right up after I asked... Glad to see u brotha.............




strong said:
</p><p>Its Official.... I'm in love with this woman....</p><p>
I know, and she thinks she lost her mojo.. smh</p><p> </p><p> </p>


New member

+1 I couldn't agree more with these sentiments, the MODS on MG are great, unpretentious and helpful.  I too was on the other forum and found some of the comments direct to me from a Mod to be totally ignorant and what I find is that they are not looking to share "information" but instead are seeking "affirmation" of their egos, erroneous view points and poor grammar (had to mention that), as having these fools type caustic and condescending remarks to people. 
