


I go to other boards for info on "taboo" subjects so can be well informed on certain things. So far, i dont have evidence sufficient enough to entertain the use for certain things. I know that im disciplined enough to use certain things, just as im a good driver. However, i could slip up in either scenario, but theres no insurance policy that will cover hospitalization or death due to use of dangerous compounds, theres no uninsure motorist policy for a coma induced by illicit use of certain things. The risk outweighs the reward for me. Getting a pic taken of me with a fake sword and a plastic trophy just doesnt seem sufficient to risk a coma or liver failure, or death. But, it would be cool if we could and others as well, learn about the risk-reward ratio here.

You bring a lot to the table here at MG, and would certainly hate to see your involvement diminished over a rule whether its silly or not.




I have a code of ethics as well. Most of my ethics go against authority...  When I'm here on MG I just feel better, train better and feel more accountable. Sometimes we question our methods of madness (or at least I do) and when things get tough and I have no energy I reach inside and work harder to not let myself or my friends here down. I want to be in the best possible shape and I want my friends to aspire to that...

I'm slowly (very slowly) seeing how my code has hampered my life... I'm learning to let go...



Well-known member

Pretty cool how life changes for us as the years pass and we gain new insight. In most cases it is for the better! 




Well-known member

Mister A said:
</p><p>It's just the system and the way my own code of ethics does not fit in it. I am responsible for myself and only myself. Thank you to everyone.</p><p>
</p><p>I know exactly how you feel because I used to feel the same way. You know what I figured out? It really isn't an ethics issue. It mostly has to do with things being done in a way I think it shouldn't be done. I simply had to accept that some things are just not going to be done the way I want them to be done. Just because the tool isn't right for the job that I want done doesn't mean it won't be right for a job that needs to be done. I had to humble myself to discover this truth.</p><p>We all have a set of tools in our tool box and we get to decide which one we place in there. I have chosen ( to participate at a level thats suites me and at the same time I get to continue to help others. If I need another outlet that allows me to do things they way I think they should be done then I get to decide if I utilize that system but that does not mean I shouldn't utilize the current MG system that is beneficial to so many. In fact, I would say I would be depriving myself of something that has a positive benefit in my life if I choose not to.</p><p>SEMPER FI</p><p> </p><p> </p>



Yes Sir... I am learning every day. It takes time but everyone must experience their way.. I'm still a damn nightmare but I'm not a nightmare on TREN : )


Mister A


The system I'm referring to is not MG. It's not the rules they've set forth here. I disagree with lots of things everywhere in life and don't get bent out of shape when the world doesn't do what I want it to do. That makes me an adult.

The system I'm referring to is social media. Is this inauthentic form of communication. I won't perturb anyone's perception of this forum because I know it's a big part of many of your lives.

But to me it is not real and it will never be real. Online relationships hold little value to me. I center myself around the tangible. What I can hold in my hands. A measurable effect I can have in my own community. The people I interact with on a daily basis. The ones I know truly. I wish I could have real relationships with many of you. But I don't pretend like any of this is real. And the reason I pull away from social media is because I find myself being affected - becoming distracted, being bothered by, judging others - by something that isn't real. I have a limited number of fucks to give and an online form cannot be one of them. I wish you all the best of luck.




While social media has serious flaws, for me its more what i can hold in my heart rather tjan what i can hold my hands...



Well-known member

It's your toolbox brother. You get to decide what you put in it and what to leave out. 

Nice use of the word perturb. I did not know it could be used that way until I looked it up in Webster's. Your written word will be missed.

