Mod Duty



OK let's clear the air here since there has been much speculation over what actions, by mods, did or did not occur over the recent shit storms that have been occurring. Those of you who have elected go above and beyond our decisions and question our integrity, you need not get your panties in a bunch since you are only putting your own integrity in question. Get it ?

It is the duty of a Mod to uphold the house rules and unless someone breaks the rules, no reprimand will be issued. Remember, freedom of speech over here so we won't put a gag on anyone speaking freely. However, if the topic gets out if hand and multiple threads are created, then it is just outright BS drama and a reprimand will be implemented. We DO take sides in such descssions so squash that roumor right here and right now. Anyone thinking different must be confusing us with another review site.

II want feedback below guys so let's have it.



New member

I say you are right on in your amount of intervention thus far.  I mean if you start stepping in every timer something happens, before you know it you'll be stepping in constantly. Then before you know it you've become a nazimod . 

  Ive always felt the members to a degree should self regulate. Of course people will have their differences, but until things go wrong you cant step in to resolve every little squabble . Its just like my kids , I don't step in every time I hear them brawling, because they have to learn to settle their own business.




When a guy or src offers free product to right someone elses wrong and buddies and he accepts then to not only in my thread but numerous others start flamming and cussing people thats not freedom of speech your letting him do, he was getting away with a hissy fit and bringing unjust and unwarranted drama to NUMEROUS threads. Then after you warn him and I to stop he continues and nothing.

Reviews are just that reviews. The guy hasnt had any in-counters with me or my staff or used any product. He trying to be something he isnt all the way down to posting fake pictures he claimed was his stash but in reality (and caught on it) seized product, then post pictures of his mom and dads house laying claim to that when in reality he lives in broken down apartment, so I ask you who is scamming, who is fake here, who came in this community helping and posting and offering and who started drama on numerous threads again. At this point the threads were in fact deleted (some remain) and told for a lack of better words to hush and he CONTINUED. So you see not only did he defy your moderator status but continued the drama, why? Because he is your friend. I normally wouldnt entertain such a thread as this, but as I sit here and drink my coffee and prepair to serve my clients I cant help but wonder why is he is so angry at the world...and yes I as a person actually care about how others feel. I like this community very much and do not want to see drama queens from eroids bringing their noise here and disrupting our older community. I have noticed this community is averaged at 30 years and older hence more respect towards each other and eagerness to lend a hand with advice. Now go to eroids and notice most all threads have someone flamming. I for 1 do not want to see that here and it ruin this community.



(Waiting to be banned) 





We do not simply ban members for voicing their opinions  of do we ban them to flez our muscle. We treat members and scr's alike since this is what makes up the community. As for behind the scene friendships, let squash this right now. I am no better friends with Beef then I am with you, or Stand, or Sig, or anyone else who contacts ts me. I must look at sistuation from BOTH sides and give far I judgment to each. What kind of Admin would that be if Mods were in bed with sources and members. Not here brother, not on this site. Our Mods here are not on a power trip nor will they come across with a huge ego. Show me once where Amy mod has Don this. But the community must also use caution and not confuse nice for stupid. If a member breaks rules, we shall absolutely come down on them and take he approiate action.





I understand this 100% Milk, but when all he has done since being on this board is start drama you have to ask yourself "Is he voicing his opinion or starting shit". I have been around long enough (35 years) and having lived in NY for 9 of those I can tell you I have dealt with just about all personalities you can imagine. After he was proven wrong he STILL continued, and I can furthur prove he is wrong in EVERYTHING he tried to say about Dionysus but I stopped because you asked, but he continued not only disrespecting you but the members of this board. Now watch what happens when he reads all of this (provided someone doesnt send him a pm telling him to keep quiet ;)


milkin said:
<p>DL. </p>
<p>We do not simply ban members for voicing their opinions  of do we ban them to flez our muscle. We treat members and scr's alike since this is what makes up the community. As for behind the scene friendships, let squash this right now. I am no better friends with Beef then I am with you, or Stand, or Sig, or anyone else who contacts ts me. I must look at sistuation from BOTH sides and give far I judgment to each. What kind of Admin would that be if Mods were in bed with sources and members. Not here brother, not on this site. Our Mods here are not on a power trip nor will they come across with a huge ego. Show me once where Amy mod has Don this. But the community must also use caution and not confuse nice for stupid. If a member breaks rules, we shall absolutely come down on them and take he approiate action.</p>
<p> </p>



Create the octagon and let em fly in that forum. Disagreements or beefs can be battled out in there without blowing up other threads. Difference of opinion is healthy and keeps people honest to a point. Ding ding motherfuckers! 




Yes you did respectively stop DL and we expect Beef to as well. If not he shall be banned as previously stated.




Like I stated in a pm to you, I dont want anyone to be banned just to simply....chill out..




dolfanshan said:
<p>Create the octagon and let em fly in that forum. Disagreements or beefs can be battled out in there without blowing up other threads. Difference of opinion is healthy and keeps people honest to a point. Ding ding motherfuckers! </p>
<p>disagree while keeping things respectful. theres a difference between intelligent healthy debate and just plain trashing and shit talking....</p>



I am glad it got addressed,because yesterday was BullSht.I understand what your saying milk,but if you look at the majority of bulkbeefs post they are just disrespectful.There is nothing wrong with disagreeing but how you voice it.He can and has and is being an asshole,and I only jumped in when I literally couldnt take it anymore.I no you guys cant intervene right away but yesterday wasnt right away I mean no disrespect to any mods.But I felt that it went on too long,and I dont think it is right making a bunch of threads with no hard facts or personal experience and calling a guy a scammer.He loses customers to some loud mouth when I have personally recieved great feed back from high respected members here and even new guys on his quality and customer service.Look at how he greeted the new guy jk703 in his user picture comments it wasnt right to treat a NEW MEMBER HERE like that whats that say about us?I say all this with much respect




I agree Nov. It's gonna happen though so why not have a place for it. Healthy debate is good but emotions and hormones can run high sometimes which causes a civil debate to turn ugly.



I. Guilty of going above and beyond , I talked to milk, then I talked to dex , about a badge , which was brought up once before , did I feel beef was way above and beyond , yes , i do and I stand by that , and will , how many pm, s did I receive by respectful brothers asking me why this is allowed ??? I was told to fuckoff and I was a clown , did I blow up , no I did not , nor will I agion , never , I carry my self with respect , I had my down fall with tren and got a chip and I also realized it and maned up and appolagized if anyone got offeneded , other than that I would like to think im level headed and calm, anyone that says they didnt experience the monster at one time on tren or a heavy cycle id say reevaluate , so now im who I was , I didnt look at it As going over a head , I looked at it as a weekend and there is not much mod action , and if so are they looking at the threads and if so , yes im real and I will keep it real , beef was stright trashing , not only dl, but me , donttrip, bigl , some new bro , whos probley gone now xand he was a down to earth brother , so I disagree , but at the same time I know my place and im a member , only and will accept , that it was handled , we are human brothers we all have differnt feelings and dont think alike , and we all have a differnt way of handling shit , you dont have to like mine nor me yours but I must respect yours , which yiur gonna say I didnt , well its sunday maybe you didnt read all threads or what ever , but did I think you gave beef favortism yes , I did , did I wish at the time I had a badge yes I do because when I said your being disrespect maybe I wouldnt have been called a fuck and clown and everything else as everyone did , I appolagize for trying to look iut for the community , which I promise wont happen agion , and anyone offened , maybe you neex to look a little closer and ask did I REALLY HAVE BEST INTEREST OF COMMUNITY , AT HEART , I BELEIVE I DID , AND YES I NEED TO REMEMBER AND MEMBERS also need to remember im a member just like you , andd sorry I take the site so personal , I do but I promise it will stop , it must , and will, it just feels a part of me , and I tryed to disfuse it , thats all , just like plp say that cant be friends they must stay neutral a d professional for the sake of the site , I say my interest was in the site and the bros being disrespected .. like I said im a member I know it know to remember it and bros , please im a member just like you , so I have as much power as you , hope we can get by this , if so good if not I will live with it , I did what I felt right , but in future I will , go watch cnn



We understand the  members of the community were taken back at our decision to let this whole ordeal run the length that it did. Trust me when I tell you that it did need to run it's course for a reason. The malicious roumours that had surfaced during  this ordeal, like Beef being buddies w/mods, was absolutely ridiculous. We do not play that here since that goes against everything we have preached from day one. We are a honest review site and vow to remain that way so those of you speculating our intergity to do so can leave since we should not have to keep reiterating this point due to malicious fictitious rumors. Corruption in Admin does not exist here so those of you who reference us to other sites need to understand our motives. We will preserve what we have created here so roumors need to turn into questions instead of going viral.

DL was the the target and responded in a professional manner considering the circumstances. Let's remember that this is a review site that thrives on member feedback, be it positive or negative, we still welcome it. Unfortunately this sistuation turned into harassment instead of review and has been addressed accordingly.

The members of this community need to understand that no one from admin will leave any site related questions unanswered. We give each an every member a equal level of reasect and you will not get flammed for asking questions.  Bring all the questions you have to the table guys so we can move forward.




I understand and agree that the mods cannot be nazis here. It's not going to be all Marry Poppins in here it's a juice site. Debate is healthy to a point. I think that everyone who wanted an early intervention in this dispute was because of the recent history. For quite a while now bulk has had nothing but negative and derogatory comments for multiple members. He immediately attacked a new member and made fun of his pics which is totally uncalled for. He also attacked D_T and called him a dumbass for talking about working for the muscle pump. Another time a new member asked about any good labs and his comment was all the labs on this site are garbage. Those are a few examples off the top of my head. Bulks recent history is the reason certain individuals wanted intervention. They already knew where he was going long before he got there. A lot of this appears to be beef he brings from eroids to MG. I could give a fuck less what goes on on hem roids or who beef has problems with on hem roids. I had to go and look at bulks activity log and forum log to see if he's ever had a positive or productive thing to say. At one point he has, but not lately. Just my two cents and insight on the matter. 



Yes , I jumped ship as I usually do, but I didnt do it to disrespect anyone , and I onlynhad the integrity of the site and its members at heart , what hit me . Personal was when solid members were attacked and asked me whats going on and why , I over preceeded .y position as anmember , and for that I appolagize for , but the bros here to me , are true bros to me and I wl fight tooth and nail , for family and a brother , sorry its who I am , at heart , but like I sAid I need to put myself in check and know mym place , no morenintervention , by me in matters con erning , you know what im saying im not good with words sieg



And nobody can knock you for that bro,You did what you thought was right and thats what matters.
