Motorcycle trouble


New member

Man I have gotten a whole lot of bad news just in a couple of days.  I dumped my bike on Friday morning, Im not bad a little sore and a little scraped but nothing big. However when I got to work I hear a tree man I know that works next door to me crashed that night before and was having his leg amputated. Then over the weekend a friend crashed motocross riding and shattered his arm, its all screws and plates now. Then yesterday a good friend called from the burn trauma canter having dumped his bike on his way home from the gym wearing his tank top and has not got much skin left on one side of his body.

  If you ride its not " if" you'll ever go down its "when " .   I pray to everyone out there who rides let their time be small and easy like mine have been. Good luck to you all and may the shiny side always stay upright !!



New member

I've had a few close calls myself on my hog, a deer ran into me once and somehow I kept it upright, and another time a woman driver pulled out in front of me and completely froze when she saw me! Good thing I was paying attention! For some reason I seem to be more alert when I'm on the bike! Even tho it may not look cool, wear a helmet guys! My girl works in the med field and says there's nothing worse than seeing guys come in with head trauma that could be an extent! It's cheap insurance!




Yup Stand there's those of us who have gone down and those of you who will. It's a terrible statement and one that I would not wish on anyone, but It's just a matter of time before some jackass cuts you off or you hit that patch of sand making a turn. Those who own bikes will agree that riding give a whole new meaning to becoming a defensive driver. 

I have been fortunate and have only broken two bones in my youth on a RM 125. Since then, knock on wood, I have been lucky enough elude laying the bike down. Several close calls though.




Wish you all the best luck guys ,and my hearts with you ,but I choose 4 wheels ,, not to fond of pavement ,,that's why I don't jump out of planes anymore ,not the fall its the sudden stop that gets you



New member

Hahaha Sieg , I seem to have a horrible allergy to asphalt , last time I rubbed my self on some my I had a terrible reaction !  My skin just fell right off , LOL .    Shit I can joke now but thats one of the most difficult wounds to heal from and treat. Thats why my buddy is in the burn trauma unit right now.




I had a friend of mine the same thing happen ,that's one thing I can't think about ,,,gives me chills ,'really bro riding bike is right ,,I scared the fuck out of myself the other day ,,I left was pulling out ,looked both ways ,started to go ,something told me look action ,, sure enough a bike is right there I'm like fuck bro !!!! If I didn't look anion 'scared the shit out of me ,, I think were use to looking for a car ,something big ,,this also gives me chills I had the dump,slow down and look 4 times ,to much danger for my liking 
