My 1st hgh cycle


New member

Ive read some of the GH boards and yes the side effects can be annoying but what gear doesnt have them? To lose weight I've thought about using clen at a low dose of 40 mcgs and when finally down to my target weight Id begin using GH but read so many horror stories about the fast heartbeats and anxiety from clen so no . I originally planned to start out at 4 or 5 IU's a day but after much thought and input from others here (thank you), have taken it down to 2IU's a day. Yes GH will need to be used for at least 6 months and or longer and correct me if Im wrong please, but from what I've read GH doesnt need PCT either? The maintenance involving TEST scares me. It lowering my sex drive for weeks or months after use, testicular atrophy, gyno, etc. I have a box of GH with several vials that would last me another 23 weeks at 2IU'S if I wanted to, but Im going up to 4 IU's eventually so it would be 13-14 weeks instead. Any thoughts and opinions appreciated please?




Make a plan and stick to a plan is the best advice that I personally can provide.

Right now your appear to be all over the place. IMO that is the main ingredient of failure.



New member

My plan is sticking to the GH and lots of protein for body composition. Before my supply runs out I'll order another. If I decide to try TEST or have more questions I'll ask in the future. 



New member

ruxgear said:
</p><p>Besides surgical procedures and unproven expensive medical treatments GH is the most expensive body transformation process that you can undertake and IMO is not the best option. </p><p>
   @Ruxgear what would you say is the best option if diet is pretty tight - As a tool what PED's would you expect some great results from if all other areas of diet and training are spot on. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>


New member

Jedi, Just my two cents because I recently went through this in the last few weeks. From what your listing as training and your stats, I to think its aggressive. I am 5-11 and weighed 175 pre test/tren/mast and for 4 weeks I was eating 1800 calories to a T and the weight flew off, scary fast to be honest. I shit you not when I tell you I approached the 155 zone within 3-4 weeks and I was actually getting worried. My goal was a cut, and even with AAS and its benifits to at least keep muscle loss to a minimal, at 155 my strength dropped drastically as well. My routine was also cardio 4-5 times a week and training 5-6 all that added up on 1800 cals was not enough. I added in skim milk and greek yogurt to ll my shakes to up my protien and calories and just that little tweek allowed me to put 8-10lbs back on in 2 weeks time. I know weight gain is not your goal, but honestly feel that my body needed it. You don't gain that kind of weight that quickly regurally which leads me to believe that my body was yearning for the extra cals. Long story short, I still see the fat melting off each and every week but i'm not sacrificing the muscle atrophy by just that small adjustment. I would assume your tdee is prob 2200-2500 based on what you do for work, so 1800 is a 500-700 deficit and thats without training, thats just sitting on your ass. Add in your training regimen and your propably feeding your body 1200-1400 cals a day when you train which just isn't enough. Yes you will lose weight, but to drastically and just like I said once I added in the extra cals, well the same applies for the end result. Say you drop 50 lbs fast when that diet ends your body will be searching for cals and my opinion based on what i've been through is that the weight will come back, not 50 lbs but you could throw on 10-15 in a short period of time once you reach your goal. Hopefully that all makes sense, but listen to the other guys, eat a little more and if your going to do 1800 only do that on off days, aim for more 2200-2300 on training days to fuel your workouts.




I dont see any maintenance involving TEST use. If you know where ancillaries, AIs, and SERMs stand in these regimens you wouldnt have any issues. Blood work is your best friend, always keep that in mind.




You want to drop 40lbs?  You will probably not look great at 150 IMO.  I never look at weight I look at body composition.  Because if Im now 10% bodyfat and I lose 4% then I will be ripped at 6% and may or may not have lost any weight depending upon whether I have put on any muscle.  That should always be your goal: to gain muscle and lose fat and get your BF% into the single digits.  1800 KCals is not enough IMO if you're going to be working out 6 times a week.  That's way too low.  I would bump it up to 2300 KCal a day and increase your cardio and the intensity of your weight training.  This will most definitely burn fat...



New member

My plan is dropping bodyfat and gaining muscle at the same time, so body composition. Get down to 150 but add to that 20+ lbs of muscle so all around be at 170 lbs. I've been on GH for just a bit over 2 months now and have to say I've dropped some weight in the 2nd month. Its been a long while to get past the ever present feelings of tiredness. Im at 4 IU'S a day now split into 2 IU's a day twice at 5 times a week. I still feel slow here and there but it changes up when I hit the weights. My daily calorie intake has been 1900 over the 2nd month and cardio has been HIIT 3 times a week. I don't see any significant added muscle yet but I know GH takes time. Ive thought about going up calorie wise but wasnt sure yet. I thought it would be counter productive to be honest. I'm still going to cycle this for at least another 4 months.




Jedi according to your stats you're 600 calories per day under your maintenance level. You're not gonna add muscle being in a caloric deficit. I don't care what you use gh, aas, or pep wise you'll never gsin quality muscle in a deficit. 

I caculated you at 5'10", 33yrs old, 150lbs, and active.



New member

Doesn't a person have to lower calorie intake to lose weight? I've done it before when having to shed fat but I've never done it while trying to gain muscle at the same time. I'll bump up my calories with more protein rich foods tomorrow. I know I should eat a gram per pound of bodyweight but I'm only taking in around 150 grams a day through foods and a pre and post workout shake. My water consumption is about 70-80 ounces per day.



Well-known member

You can preserve muscle but you can not build substantial muscle in a calorie deficit. You should increase your fluid consumption considerably 120-180 oz every 24 hours. Protein should be in the 250-300gr range in my opinion.

What you are attempting (cutting BF and building mass) is difficult even for the most disciplined and/or professional let alone for the average gym rat. 

My advice is to cut BF and then design a cycle to build mass.




Well-known member

You will be able to retain a larger % of existing muscle mass with the correct calories. A calorie is not a calorie in all cases. You will need protein, the correct carbs and fats to enhance an anabolic state which allows the body to save muscle and prevent your metabolism from going catabolic.

What is a catabolic state?
Stress hormones put you into a muscle-eating catabolic state. Here's how to fight back. When your body is in an anabolic mode, you add muscle mass easily, but when it's in a catabolic state, your body breaks down muscle tissue to fuel its immediate needs. Feeding you muscles at the correct times with the proper macros will help you preserve as much muscle as possible.
Your goal is to avoid a catabolic state. Some simple measures can be taken to avoid a catabolic state. A protein drink can be beneficial after a round of rigorous training. Intake of carbohydrates and proteins about one or two hours before and after a workout will work wonders for your body, and keep you from feeling lethargic. Nowadays, there are a number of protein drinks that have been proven to be effective in helping people avoid a catabolic state. These drinks contain essential as well as non-essential amino acids, such as Gamma Amino Butyric Acid, or GABA, which is responsible for secreting growth hormones that repair muscles in the body.

Vitamin C is vital for strengthening your immune system, and it contributes significantly to the maintenance of an anabolic state. Therefore, consuming foods or beverages that contain vitamin C (such as orange juice) before training can help stave off a catabolic state.



New member

Plus +1 Dolf and SemperFi! I might just increase my daily calorie intake up to 2500. About 20 more grams of protein per 1 serving of chicken at 100 calories for sure. As for water intake I'm pissing so much already lol but will slowly take in more liquids week by week. I'll look into that slow digesting night time protein shake. That should help prevent my body eating its own muscle. Thanks!



New member

So just focus everything on weight loss and mass gain later? I know anything higher than 2 lbs of weight loss per week means a loss in muscle. Ive done it in the past at over 2 lbs per week with pure cardio 5 days a week about 45 mins a day but ya. I havent weighed myself since 2 months ago and just went by feel so I know Ive lost some bodyfat. Im taking in all the advice I can and appreciate all your help guys. I'll let you guys know what I do soon for this coming week. Either jump up in calories and continue body composition or stop my GH cycle and focus on just weight loss for up to 5 months and then build size by using the GH again and maybe even TEST CYP. 



Well-known member

You want to urinate all the time. This means you have shut off your water retaining hormones and your metabolism is accelerated. Plus H2O is good for your liver and other organs to flush toxins out of your system. An accelerated metabolism is essential for burning body fat. You are only hindering your progressive by slowly increasing your water intake.

Learn to use your body for the benefits you want to achieve.





Also cardio will cause your body to release a chemical that tells it to burn fat. With aas I can consume maintenance or a slight caloric surplus and burn fat with cardio. I combine fasted steady state and HIIT. I usually go fasted steady state 3 times per week and HIIT 2 times. Keep in mind that wbile doing this i am eating very clean.

As far as protein and cutting go i buy a high quality lean whey lime ON's gold standard and also a slow digesting casein also made by ON. Post workout I combine a scoop of each followed by a meal about an hour later as SF suggested. The whey will give hou that quick kolt of needed protein and the casein will slowly trickle your body protein over the next several hours. Then before bed take another scoop of the casein to feed your body throughout most of the night followed with a whey as soon as you wake up. Its alway better to get your macros through whole foods, but at your height and weight there's not a lot of wiggle room, so some powdered protein will help you a lot.



New member

Ok cool. I've normally just used whey protein from ON. The 5lb double chocolate or something like that. Decided to switch to the GNC version because its more cheaper. The best tasting protein I've had and easiest to mix was from Isopure, but it was expensive!! Hell, it still is compared to other brands. 

I do fasted cardio also 3 times a week in the early mornings and lift before work although I feel tired once out of work. I find myself sleeping at 9pm lately. It used to be 11pm. Constantly pissing is a pain in the ass but I hear what you mean. I'll also have to look into preventive otc supplements soon. Thanks!



New member

Sorry for the long update. My job is laying many people off and I was told next friday is my last week I'll be employed. Damn. I'll have to file for unemployment soon and probably won't be able to continue buying GH.

I've still been on my GH intake of 4 IU's a day and bumped up my calorie intake to around 2400 about 2 months ago. I've definitely seen a change in my body aesthetically. Luckily my current batch of GH runs out next week also. Ive stayed away from the weight scale this entire time but will weigh myself at the end of next week and give my final results on my GH cycle. 



New member

Alright, this is my 20th week on HGH and I have 8 IU'S left to split for Thursday and Friday. I'm also interested in getting bloodwork to test the purity of the product I've been using but would have to use up all 8 IU'S the morning of doing the bloodwork exam. 

My IGF # started out at 155. Should I be more focused on the IGF# or the GH serum# when doing bloodwork? Which is more important? 
