My last intro was weak... sooo


New member

Realized my last intro was pretty weak and didn't give much background to who I was, so it doesn't help people when I ask questions on where I'm coming from.

Always been active since I was a kid, started training with weights Freshman year of highschool and finally took it serious 3 years ago after I hit my life bottom. Got clean and sober at 20 years old and looking to be the best version of myself I can be. I've ran two cycles before both only consisting of Test Cyp and Test Prop with and AI and PCT. Looking to learn as much as I can, taking one day at a time. 

Beginning of my sobriety I was 215lbs, 30% BF. In six month I was down to 165lbs and 12% BF (natural). Then went to play football  4 months later. Was bulked up to 180lbs and some tub because I was undersized. 

Stopped playng ball, maintained a weight between 175-185lbs. A couple months after my 22nd birthday and celebrating almost 2&1/2 years clean and sober I decided to cycle Test Cyp and Prop. Just celebrated my 23rd birthday this year!

Big fan of IIFYM (I was always a "fat kid" and flexible dieting has curbed my sweet tooth, but always open to new tips on how to better my diet to the T.


Engaged to be married next year too, so that's pretty awesome!




Great intro brotha! We're glad to have you, so kick your feet up, and make yourself at home.




Nice intro..... We all get that fear of first post... Just picture us all in underwear....




Big Nasty

New member

Good intro, appreciate the honesty. Im in the older 40's crowd but been in your shoes. In my early 20's I did every drug I could get my hands on except anything with that involved a needle injection. Go figure, Im recreational drug free for 20 plus years now but I stick a needle in my ass, thighs, chest, shoulders often with good AAS and love it!! LOL Humor aside, stay active here on MG and learn all you can so you can do your cycles safely as possible and reap the benefits of muscle enhancement while remaining healthy.  
