Need help - strength and power training


New member
Hi, Ive been bodybuilding for the last year now but my interest are in strength and power training, my strength and power is very weak, could you please send me information of how to train and how often for both strength and power for a novice and also what I should eat? It would be very much appreciated. In need of your help and advice, Thank you.


New member
How are you thanks for joining our fourm. So is your goal to be a powerlifter or to get big and strong? Could you give all of your stats. For example your age hieght wieght you daily diet from morning to night your BF% and your current work out routine from the last year. We will be glad to help.


New member
Hi, thanks for replying to my cry of help, my goal is to be as strong and powerful as I can, like Marious Pudjonoski of Poland, well I guess you have to have an aim LOL, anyway I am 31, 5F 8in, 16 stone 2 pounds (about 103-105 kilos).
My diet is
1) Smoothie 2) Protien drink 3) Rice and chicken or fish and salad 4) Smoothie 5) Lamb or beef with veg 6) Protien drink
My diet consists of a mix of the following Chicken, Fish, Beef, Lamb, eggs, brown rice, potatoe, veg and fruit, I have been on this diet for the last 7 months. As I am overweight I would like to lose weight as well.
My workout routine for the last year is Monday) Legs: Tuesday) Chest: Wednesday) Back: Thursday) Abs and shoulders: Friday) Off: Saturday) Bi's and Tri's: Sunday) Off.
I can feel my muscles developing but I carry to much fat and my strength has hardely increased which is the thing that I most want to improve along with losing weight, there have been a lot of new members to the Gym in the last 2 years most of them sarted after me but all of them have passed me in strength. I realy need your help and really appreciate it. Thanks.


New member
Thank you so much I really appreciate it Im gonna start this program from this monday, I need explaining about (Accessory abs, tris and bis0 what do you mean by accessory? Thanks again you guys are a great help to us all.
what diet shiould I follow on the 5x5? thanks.


New member
Sorry bro I have been really busy with work! Your diet looks like your in the right food groups. But lets work on your wieght. How many lbs would you like to loose. The work out train wiser gave you is great you will need a diet that will not only kick start your motabilizim but provide your body with enough carbs and portien to help your muscles replenish. If you would like i could give you a good detailed diet to follow. it is hard but when your staring at your six pack in the mirror it is only a small sacrifice


New member
thanks for your reply I appreciate you doing this as I am sure you are very busy, My weight now is 16st 3 llb so I would like to lose 4stone 3 pounds of body fat if you can send me the diet that you talked about I will follow it to the letter coz it will be worth looking at a 6 pak, and my weight is really depressing me, so thanks and I'll be waiting for that diet, all the best.


New member
Reply to : " My weight now is 16st 3 llb so I would like to lose 4stone 3 pounds of body fat if you can"

What does the 16st 3 lbs stand for .
okay diet now diet and training go hand in hand

first off carbs you need to learn the differenace from complex carbs and simple carbs

you must eat every 2-3 hours

complex carbs
coffee (no creamer or surgar) and you can drink as much as you want
fiber or any thing whole wheat or bran cereal no sugar

mid morning
peanut butter and honey on wheat
protien drink

meat protien chicken steak fish
small amount of simple carbs 1-2 oz

mid lunch
brown rice or another pb and honey on white
protien drink

Work out time and remeber ofter your work out run on the tread mill for 30 min solid high intensity every day

right after work out and i mean right after the minute you stop running
simple carbs
apple pasta white bread
and a protien drink

eat big but healthy
steak fish chicken
veggies and carbs

Now remember carbs and protien go hand in hand.

now this is alot of food to swollow keep your portions small

is what we are attempting to do is get your motabolizm to kick start and go into over drive now after the first two weeks you will start craving bigger portions don't give in this is when you will start seeing the chisel effect you will start burning fat not calories.

Also until you reach your goals no more butter or margrine you can use ( I can't believe it;s not butter) furthermore, no oils no cocco oil tropical oil cooking oil the only oil you can use is olive oil.

Start reading the back of all the products you buy at the store.
stay away from
trans fat
saturated fat
total fat

then read the ingeadints make sure there is no oils. you will start finding most of the stuff you eat is packed with all of the afore metioned products.

food prepreation
chicken i preffer to boil chicken
steaks BBQ them do not use a skillet all of the fat will stay in the pan the fat will drip off in the BBQ
skillet the fish
and remember no butter steam all of your veggies

Last but not least stay away from heavy starch foods like white potatos and not to much white rice.

the complex carbs will deliver energy slowly over the day the simple carbs will break down immeaditly this is why after your work out you will need to get simple carbs and protien to feed the muscles.

Hope this is helpful any questions just ask

Oh yeah if you want a six pack you have to do abs vigoursly 3 times a week.


New member
Hi Dex. man I am sore all over I sleep like a baby though and Im getting used to this weight movement now, Im sticking to this 5x5 regime for a few months will it burn fat as well?
Got good advice on how to train for strength and power, but I know think I want to burn of my fat first before I start my 5x5, I got ephedrine, clen, T4 and DNP can anyone please explain how I should take these and what amount and for how long, please be specific because I understand that T4 and DNP could realy mess you up especialy the DNP, Thanks."
I dont want to take any of the above till I know for sure how to take them properly, Thanks waiting for your reply.


New member
No. never done cardio in morning. should I and how often which of my products should I use and which one should I finish with. Thanks.


Doing cardio first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach, before you eat anything, is by far, the most effective. Whether you run, jog, walk, swim, jump rope, take an aerobics class, ride a bike, etc., doing it first thing in the morning is the best time to do it for maximum fat loss. Why? Its simple. When you do your cardio workout, you are burning calories. Lets say you wake up, eat breakfast, eat lunch later in the day, and then a few hours after lunch, you do your cardio. All you will be doing during that cardio is burning the calories and carbs of the food you just ate. When you do cardio first thing in the morning, you haven't eaten anything for the last 8 or so hours because you were sleeping. So, when your body sees that there are no carbs to burn, it goes directly to stored bodyfat. And stored bodyfat is the fat that is on your body, which is the fat that you want to lose!