New and looking for direction


New member

Introduction - Hello everybody I am very interested in doing a cycle. I would greatly appreciate any advice or positive input. I am 24 years old. I have been training martial arts and doing conditioning for martial arts for a couple years now (body weight pull ups, push ups, dips, explosive movements etc). I have always been interested in body building and trying to put on size but never actually tried to do so. I am 150 lbs and about 12% body fat.  I know I am not very big and doing a cycle might be stupid or it might not be and I value every MG members input.  I just purchased a new home and have the space for a home gym. All equipment should be arriving shortly so I can begin my new style of training that I have always wanted to pursue.


Diet- I eat about 2000-2500 calories per day depending on what type of training I am doing that day. I guess in a sense I do eat fairly clean as I do like to stay lean. I have never tried to “bulk” or “cut” in a body building type of fashion. From what I have been researching over the last couple of months before even considering doing a cycle you need to have your diet in check and I believe I meet that criteria.


Goals – Honestly I just want to build a nice aesthetic physique with a good amount of lean muscle. I don’t really feel like being small anymore I would like to put on a nice amount of size while still being lean.  

 I greatly appreciate any experienced advice thank you very much.





When you first start to bodybuild you can build muscle and gain weight naturally fairly quickly with a good diet and enough calories consumed. I'd take advantage of that, and wait until you plateau before giving gear a try. Another advantage is you're 24 yrs old and your natural test levels are peaked. You could add 10 to 20lbs in a yesrs time. Once your growth has plateaued gear will help push you to the next level.




Couldnt agree more. Whether or not you run gear at 24 years old, which D gave you sound advice, stick around, research the cycle logs especially test only cycles. Research diet and training, ask questions. Even without the gear, there is a lot of benefit to be gained here, and we would love to help you get where you need to be. 

To start things off in the right direction, get your TDEE figured out, start a training regimen, and let's move on from there. Your safety, health, and well-being is our foremost interest for you :)

Welcome to MG, and let's wait a few before coming to the so-called dark side ;)



New member

My first cycle was 3x10mg Dianabol (Balkan) and 25mg Proviron (Bayer Schering) during 12 weeks. Went from 62 to 77kg. Did blookwork around week 7-8 and since I was using just DBol my liver was OK.

Training very hard sometimes twice a day (e.g.: chest in the morning + triceps and abs in the afternoon) and eating 3 big meals (100CH 60PRO 10FAT) + 2 SNACKS (APPLE+PROT SHAKE 40g) + Post workout (40G whey + 1banana/other equiv fruits)

I also gained a bit of fat (lets say 4kg, but maybe less since I didnt realize big part of undesired weight was intracellular water) but never ever have I had so big arms and shoulders. Since then I've always tried not to gain fat and I dont reach the kcals I should get to bulk as easily and to take full advantage of the anabolics.

Personally, from my exp. I would recomend that "cycle" to any begginner in gear.




Oral only with no test base for 12 weeks sounds way off, for any cycle. Though your liver turned out ok, doesn't mean someone else will have the same result. Test only for the first and maybe even a cycle or two more is the way to go. But, for our friend here, he should wait. Got to be careful putting ideas out there especially when they go against the grain of convention. People are too ready to start aas, and we have a responsibility to give the safest advice to the new comers.



New member

Orals can be really weird sometimes. Like Blast said above everyone reacts differently. Some guys can eat DBol like skittles and never have any type of issues, then again some have their liver enzymes spike in no time. Even barring physical complications, the results from an oral only cycle are pretty unimpressive. You can easily put on ten or fifteen pounds, but 90% of it will be water weight and increased glycogen. I love love love dbol, LOVE IT, but in my humble opinion the only place where it truly shines is as a kickstarter. People that are in a rush to get on cycle are usually also in a rush to feel their gear IMMEDIATELY. Two or three days in stead of two or three weeks. Four weeks of dbol while youre waiting and by the time your test kicks In you'll already feel like a beast and be putting on a few pounds. It's the Test that grows THE MUSCLES, not the oral.




Sorry bro, but oral only cycles are never ever recommended here at MG or any other review site for that matter. You'd be better off giving me half the money, and letting me kick you in the balls than wasting time and effort on an oral only cycle.

If your not willing to pin then steroids are not for you unless you're female...



New member

I agree that everyone reacts differently, but in my case, I did that oral-only cycle following my trainer instructions, he's a proffessional IFBB from Spain (one of the few). The fact is that when you're new on gear the effects of a single strong compound like this are great; e.g. I had never trained legs seriously and I ended lifting sets of 5-6 reps with 400kg in leg press..

Apart from me, another guy from my gym did the same (started one week after me or so) and he not only gained a lot of muscle (dont know how much exactly) but he also lost belly fat.

About libido, I was extremely horny all day, even more than currently with tren test combination. And about other sides:

- I remember I developed gyno in the right chest, but after cycle I reduced KCals and it went completely out.

- I felt DOMS just an hour after my post workout shake.

- Strong hearbeat for 1,5 hours or so after each DBol pill.


Of course starting with only test would be nice, less sides probably, and also get used to needles, but dont underestimate starting with an oral cycle. Just tried to help giving my experience.




IFBB pro doesn't make him an expert in steroids. I've seen a lot of guys including IFBB pros with greek god physiques that have ran fucked up and unsafe cycles. What will not happen here on MG is anyone recommend a horrible and unsafe cycle. Anyone who has the least bit of knowledge with aas knows that testosterone is the base for any cycle. 



New member

I agree, in therory at least a TRT dose of testosterone is the minimum to combine with other gear, and as said before the advantage of less sides and less liver damage is clear.

But dont try to be a crusader of injectables like the anti-DNP people... I just had a good experience with sth as simple as two orals and a normal PCT, and did it under the direction of a person who trains and prepares for competition dozens of people every month (I'd say 100 every year) and well, he bases all in his experiences, in terms of gear knowledge (chemical, knowledge of novel compounds like peptides or SARMs I'd say I knew more than him in just a couple years reading articles about nutrition, gear and all this stuff. =S


Anyway, I completely agree that a first cycle based on Test is the best option seeing all experiences from users, as well as from a theoretical approach. Just wanted to tell that my first one was with DBol and was my best (of course, first time is best time)



New member

People that are anti-Dnp "crusaders" are probably just trying to keep people from killing themselves from putting the same chemicals in their body that are in pesticides and plastic. Pretty inconsiderate of them, I know



New member

Plus it's not uncommon at all for even top level IFBB pros to pass out, even die, from unsafe practices before during and after competitions. Dallas McCarver just passed out on stage this month at the Iron Man I believe do to diuretics and other ways of not taking care of himself and doing the safe thing. Not bashing you or trying to start shit at all, but we are extremely conscious on MG about any potentially unsafe information that can trickle down to our younger or inexperienced members. People that have been around the block tend to know better, but if we can keep one person from ducking themselves up then we have done our jobs. Once again no offense bro, hope you aren't taking our statements personally




Well let me be blunt since you can't take a subtle hint. You can do with your body what you please, but absolutely do not recommend running an oral only cycle on this site again!

DNP is dangerous and poison! That is also another subject that is taboo, and will not be recommended to anyone on this site! If you want to run that poison, and cook your organs then fine, but do not discuss it on MG!

Don't think I'm trying to be an ass or a dick, but my job as a mod is to ensure rules are followed, and that legit safe advice is given out. 



New member

True. You're all right as I mentioned before when saying that Testosterone only cycle (with serms) if needed is better than any oral one.

Sorry to all of you in this post if I offended or contradicted any basic (and obvious) rule of gear usage. If you want I can delete my posts from the first one in order not to confuse any begginer. 




i have to ask is it a written rule do not recommend an oral only cycle or do not do an oral cycle I am


i have heard a lot of high level coaches like Dave palumbo Chris ace to say you can run a. Oral cycle and make  usually inrefrence to them being scared to pin. They also claim the shutdown is almost non existent on compounds such as anavar and winstrol.I used to think oral only was retarded but I can see it being done I may not agree with it but it is a valid cycle that out in the real world is being used. Is it more unsafe than a test cycle when tesutdoes Shit you down a lot harder than those. Anyways I enjoy your responses because your an intelligent bro and wouldn't mind hearing your "retort"




it is uncommon for guys to die competing back stage lol, yes it has happened but it's not a monthly thing. Mccarver went down from bronchitis and dehydrating his body combined nothing more nothing less my brother 




use eventually caught up to him but you know what he was one of the first 300lb lean bodybuilders and acommplished more in his physique then almost everyone on this site. He is very knowledgeable you don't take shorty genetics and create a body like that 
