New Bench PR and lifting goal stats

Big Nasty

New member

I hit a PR this week in Bench so Im super stoked. Ive been on calorie restriction for sometime dealing with BF %. Additionally at 43yrs of age, any gain in strength is a huge obstacle for me. Currently cruising on TRT. 

Hit 330 for 1 rep Max and 315 for 5 reps. Not much weight compared to many but for me its a significant improvement. Up from being stuck at 325 months on end. 

Current lifting stats: 

DL: 455

Squat: 460

Push press: 265

Bent BB Rows: 315 x 5

BB Curl: 135 x 6

Close Grip BP: 295 

Training Goals:

-Increase all lifts in max poundage in lifts and/or heavy reps (increase in strength and mass)

- Reach PR goals in the big 3 ( 500+ in DL and squat, 400+ in bench press)

- Keep BF below 15%, ultimately in the 10-12% range.  




+1 my brother... Congrats on a new PR... That's why we call it PR, it's a "personal" record& has nothing to do with what some else can do!! I believe the fact the you reached this PR, that you can most definitely reach the others!!! BTW.. You're stats are looking better than JARHEADS :):) Keep Grinding!




Excellent work bignasty! Any bench over 300 is getting into big boy range. Keep driving on brotha!




Damn Bro!

Those are great stats. I hit 275 a month ago on my bench press and was happy as hell.  Being only 5'7" 165lbs I figured i was doing great.  I'd like to cross 300 some day!



Mister A


Those are solid numbers. I just hit a PR getting bench with my bodyweight for 17 reps.


Big Nasty

New member

Ramdisck If you are 165 at 275 bench you are kicking ass. Im 255 so I should be well past 330. Good stuff. 


Big Nasty

New member

Now if I could get my weight 255lbs for 17 reps in Benchpress I'd be posting that shit everywhere on the net!!! LOL Good work. 



New member

Good numbers bro, what training strategy are you using? I have had great success with the 5x5 routine to increase strength. 


Mister A


Much appreciated. The last year was spent prioritizing chest as it has always been my weakest link. If youre at 330 max you cant be that far off from 250x17. I know everyone has different muscle fiber compositon, but you gotta be close to that.


Big Nasty

New member

I haven't tried 250 for max number of reps but will give it a try here soon on one of my next chest days. I am curious though. I rep out with 225 sometime ago and 16 reps was my max reps. That was when I was at 315 PR. Will find out what I can do soonest. 


Big Nasty

New member

Ive tried a bit of everything Ignatius. 5x5 has worked for me in the past. Over the last year I have been pretty much sticking to changing up the rep scheme often. Mostly I hit bench press first and always. Pyramiding up to multiple sets of 3 reps. 90% range often. When I stop making gains or plateau I will back off and go for 6-10 reps for a few weeks and the climb back up to super heavy always pushing to add more weight. At 43yrs old one thing I have learned is to take a calculated break of 3-4 days max of complete rest with no lifting and the 5th day go for a PR. Doing this has for the past 4 PR attempts resulted in PR gains. Typically I hit the gym hard and heavy 5 days a week. The calculated 4-5 day break allows for full recovery after pushing to the limits for 8 weeks or more. My gains certainly have been slow for sure but consistent. This is only on TRT. I can't wait to see what I will be able to accomplish on a full blown cycle. Also I have never really done a specific power lifting routine. I always do the core big 3 lifts and compound exercised hard and heavy followed by accessory work for pump and volume. Kind of a PL and BB mix routine. I'm thinking of doing a strictly PL routine just to get up my lifts but I love BB as well and want to keep up the volume work for mass. I guess you could say Ive always used more instinctive work then specific programs. Not sure if thats a good idea as it does make it more challenging to collect accurate data since I change it up so often. Hard to know what has really worked. Hard and heavy is the staple for me with consistency over time if I were to attribute any one principle. Im stronger now than I have ever been in my life but for my body weight its not impressive in my opinion. But thats what keeps me pushing for more. No boundaries or set limits... at least until something breaks... lol  



New member

Very good stuff there man. Just be careful when you do a full on cycle not to go too hard because you will end up with an injury. Just keep progressing at a moderate rate and you will get farther than an injury setback. Especially if tren is in the mix you will gain strength so fast the muscle tendons won't be able to keep up if you push too hard. You sound pretty knowledgeable so I'm sure you got this under control. Keep up the hard work man. 




X2...when I was doing somewhat of a pl routine I went too hard and had several issues. Shoulder, tennis elbow, and both bicep tendons. The problem is the muscles strengthen much faster than the tendons. The result is strained and stressed tendons. 


Big Nasty

New member

Sound advice gents. Thanks much. If I really start going up in strength it will be damn hard to back off... Everytime I hit a PR, the rest of my workout is like I took a shot of glycerin and go at it like a ravenous beast. I live for those moments but will follow advise because there is nothing more frustrating to make strength gains only to be set back with an injury. 




I was focusing on chest the majority of my last cycle. My arms my wife asked me why my arms were so big.  About 5 weeks ago I hit my PR.  Then came the golfers elbow.  Then pneumonia. Uphill battle since then. Next cycle im keeping it balanced and basing my PR on what the mirror says.




It is damn hard to back off! I didnt, and that's why I had so many problems. With dbol I was adding 5 to 10lbs each werk to all major lifts. I didn't take deloading weeks nor any breaks. My body paid the price, but I have small joints not made to lift the weight I was which wss partly the problem.
