New Guy Looking For Ideas


New member

Hi everyone, I'm 57 and I've always been active and fit but it's getting harder to stay that way. I've recently started CrossFit, which is very intensive. I haven't exercised so hard for over 20 years, and although I'm managing to keep up, it sometimes takes 3 or 4 days to recover from a workout.

I don't want to 'Bulk-up'. I need to be stronger, but I need to keep speed and endurance - any ideas?




Welcome to mg! Have you had blood work done? That's a good start in order to find out where you health markers are at (e.g., test free and total, estradiol, liver enzymes etc...).




Welcome bro! CrossFit can be rough on you & especially after 40. Some good BJJ training would be helpful. As far as strength, you can’t beat pushups, pull-ups & dips added to your gym routine imo.



New member

Thanks for pointing me at the over 40's section. I read your thread on Anavar for older men, it was very interesting - I think that could be the gear for me?




It can be. If you have a good place around you, just stop in a watch them. I know plenty over 40 that do it for stress relief & to stay in shape. It’s really fun!




Testosterone must be the base to every cycle. If you're considering var as an oral only cycle that's a no go brother. 
