New guy

the doc

New member

Relatively new to gear only a couple years, been lifting since I was about 20 (I was 6'2" 170lbs). I've since gained pre-gear up to 230, then dropped back down to 200 with some dieting within the last year. I'm 29 yo, and just looking to learn and gain some wisdom from some of the guys who have been doing this a lot longer than me. I've run some fairly basic cycles (var/winny first as a newb, Test e solo, then test p/tren a/mast p).




Ehhhhh what's up doc?

Welcome to the FAM. Glad to have ya


the doc

New member

Haha, no I wasn't a doc, but I've got a brother-in-law who is a doc in the army so I figured that would be easy to remember.
