New here but been around awhile lol.

Clint Gymrat

New member

Hey everyone! I'm new here so I thought I'd introduce myself. I'm a 37 year old male from a town in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do but pin test, eat weights, and try to get some tang from my girlfriend as often as possible. I've lived with PTSD for 32 years of my 37 and the day I was introduced to test and gear changed my life. Not only have they helped my physical appearance but also my mental wellness. I've been on and off cycles for the past 2 years and  between cycles I anxiously await until the next. I also have an extremely uncommon eating disorder which made it really hard to gain muscle until I met test. Greatest decision I made was to get on gear. I'm a bit of a clown and even high doses of test and dbol I'm still always in a good mood. I'm fairly new to gear but I've gained some knowledge and look forward to gaining more from you all and hopefully give a little out as well. Cheers! 




Welcome to the family. Great to see you have yourself in a good place mentally and physically! 




Clint, welcome the the family.

Do you stay on test all the time or do you PCT between cycles?


Clint Gymrat

New member

My last few cycles I've cruised in between at 200mgs a week of phynll prop. My last PCT I did kinda fucked me up. My uncle, who was 4 years older than me and more like a brothe, had passed away and the clomid made my depression a lot worse so I pinned some phynll and been cruising and cycling since. About to start a proper pct in a week or so but I imagine it's going to be a tough one considering I've been on for over a year now. I typically prefer to do 12 week cycles with 8 weeks off afterwards. A lot of people will say that's not enough time off but my blood work always looks good after those 8 weeks. Also, I get my prostate checked as well to make sure it's good. I've had prostatis, an infection of the prostate, in the past and it's no joke so I stay on top of that now as well. 




Get your hands on some good pharmacy grade clomid and nolva,  and maybe even some hcg and boner pills.  

Maybe you will be all good in another 8 weeks 




X2 with burrr...get enough nolva and clomid for 5 weeks instead of the typical 4 weeks and blast hcg before your pct. If you need guidance on how to blast the hcg just hit me up.

Feeling low and depressed is just part of pct for some individuals. You gotta put your head down and push through it brother.




There's plenty of good sources here that carry it. Just look at the reviews. Hcg isn't a must have, but it helps recovery tremendously especially after a long cycle or being on cruise and blast for a long time.




I blast and cruise and still love to add a little hcg to my program. I swear I just feel better when I have just a little bit in my system. 

Running a few weeks of hcg before you start PCT will probably help out.


Clint Gymrat

New member

Does your body not seem to become immune to the test after awhile? I have found that if I cruise for a while then on my cycle I have to increase my mgs. I haven't studied much on this so maybe it's more psychological but even my erections seem to be affected by doing a cycle and then a long cruise. The one thing I don't like to fuck around with is my erections. Lol. If I have problems with that then I usually have to keep an eye on my girlfriend or she will be in our cucumber garden popping squats. She swears she's just pulling weeds but I know you don't have to be naked from the waist down to pull weeds. 



Well-known member

Receptors can become flooded and can require larger doses in the future to get the same effects (individual based). TRT patience are on test 24/7/365 so blasting does require these individuals to use larger cycle doses in many cases. Same goes for individuals who cruise but generally they have a specific purpose in mind and are looking to compete or reach a PR goal.

More is not always better but when your body becomes desensitized many individuals feel that they have to go to the larger doses which is a personal choice.

A successful PCT and laying off AAS for a period of time will help clear out your receptors and make them available for the next cycle.

I have found that when gains become stagnant it is usually not the AAS dose that is the cause but the individual diet, training and/or effort. Getting real here - most do not have what it takes to develop an athletes physique because they maintain an "average joe" lifestyle. If you want to look like an athlete you have to have the discipline of an athlete. Most of us just don't have that figured out in our mind or believe we are the exception to the rule.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a hobby bodybuilder or gym rat but to obtain exceptional results you must have an exceptional mindset. Genetics play a huge role in how you physique will look so it is a great idea to know your genetic predisposition and potential. Then you are able to train accordingly with out unrealistic expectations.

Calm said it perfect in an earlier post somewhere and I summarize; When using AAS it always should be done with a specific purpose or goal in mind. Hope I got that right! ;)





Clint,  I try to be reasonable with my trt dose and sray under 200mg a week. I'm not sure if I become immune, or if the gains just become harder to get. I have definitely seen diminishing returns on every cycle.  

Boners are still good, either way.  That is a priority. 




Clint,  I try to be reasonable with my trt dose and sray under 200mg a week. I'm not sure if I become immune, or if the gains just become harder to get. I have definitely seen diminishing returns on every cycle.  

Boners are still good, either way.  That is a priority. 


Clint Gymrat

New member

Yeah I had a buddy tell me that before. I typically wouldn't prefer to cruise but I lost 3 very close people to me within 6 months apart this past year and when I went into my pct I was already extremely depressed so when the clomid took control it really got me down so I decided to stop the pct and cruise. I'm about to start my pct shortly and this time I'm not giving up on it. I want some time off the test so that when I start back again I can get that superman feeling again like I have in the past. 
